[NCC] 2018 ARRL 160 Meter Contest Club Competition

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sat Dec 29 02:58:28 EST 2018


If you operated the ARRL 160 contest and submitted your score for NCC, 
please check to see that your score has been correctly credited to the 
club.  You can do this by opening the following page:


and then selecting the ARRL 160 contest from the Contest pull-down menu 
at the top of the page, and scrolling down until you find the North 
Coast Contesters entry.  You will see the member scores that have been 
credited to the club.

K8RR, who made 1,000 contacts and produced a really good score, was not 
on the member eligibility list so his score was not credited.  However, 
he was on the member eligibility list under his former call K8AAV, so I 
will contact the contest branch manager and see if he will credit Rod's 
score to the club.   (He did so for SS, so I am hopeful that he will do 
so again.)  K8RR is now on the member eligibility list so any ARRL 
contest scores that he submits for the club in the future should be 
credited to the club with no problems.

I count only 6 other clubs with scores higher than ours (thanks in large 
part to NO3M, K3UA, and W2FU) so I would say that we did pretty well 
this time without trying to get out the troops.  Maybe we should try 
harder next year.

A reminder about the Membership Eligibility List.  If you change your 
call or move to a different grid square, please let me know so I can 
make the necessary changes to the list so our member scores are 
correctly credited to the club.

73, Hal W1NN

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