[NCC] NCC Meeting - 20-January-2018

Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 00:50:58 EST 2018

Good morning...

Some of the highlights of yesterday's meeting:

- K8AZ read an e-mail from KQ8M describing his heart transplant
   surgery at The Cleveland Clinic.  Tim seems to be doing well, but
   has a long road to complete recovery.  Tim did report getting
   back on the air recently to work E31A.

- ND8L presented a brief treasurer's report.  Our current balance
    is $1257.93.  It was agreed that we would have another dues
    holiday in 2018.  However, voluntary contributions will be
    welcomed.  $260.00 was collected at the meeting.  If  you'd
    like to make a contribution to NCC in any amount, send a
    check payable to Ray Fallen at my CBA.

- K3LR reports that there is one tent left at WRTC 2018 and after
    a brief discussion, it was agreed that we would sponsor this
    tent in memory of NCC SK's W3GH and W8GN.  Like last year
    we voted to match individual NCC member's contributions up to $500
    dollar for dollar to reach the $1,000 contribution amount for the tent.

    If you wish to contribute, you may write a check to WWROF
     and mail to ND8L's CBA and I'll total up the checks to make sure
     we get the $500 for the club matching amount.  PLEASE DO NOT
     MAKE THE CHECK PAYABLE TO NCC or me.  If you mail your
     check directly to WWROF or pay via PayPal, please drop me an
     e-mail.  BTW contributions/donations to WWROF are tax deductible,
     for those who itemize deductions.

- K3LR and K8AZ led a brief discussion about the recent events at
    ARRL.  It was agreed that the best way to affect change is to
    reach out to your respective Division Director and make him
    aware of your opinions.  We agreed that at the present time,
    a letter from NCC would have minimal impact at this time.

- K3LR had a brief report on Dayton.  The Fairgrounds are building
    a 250,000 square foot building, the tents are going away and
    improvements are being made to resolve the mud situation in
    the flea market.  NCC will again sponsor the Contest Dinner on
    Saturday night along with the Contest Super Suite at the Crown
    Plaza.  Over 300 tickets for the contest dinner have been sold so far.

- Election of officers was held:  Results were:  K8AZ-President,
   K3LR-Vice President, ND8L-Secretary/Treasurer, W1NN-Webmaster.
   Contest whips will remain the same as 2017.

- The ARRL Club Gavel for Medium Sized Clubs was won by NCC for
    the umteenth time and was awarded to Contest Whip W8CAR.
    Congratulations Dan!

73 de ND8L

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