Eric NO3M no3m at no3m.net
Sun Jun 17 15:26:17 EDT 2018

Got on for a little while using a Collins 310B homebrew clone exciter 
and push-pull 814 amplifier.  Claimed HP since output was around 250w.  
Exciter just lashed together on a temporary chassis sitting on the bench 
with a HRO micrometer dial and gear drive.  No whooshing when moving 
around this time.  First buffer is grid block keyed and oscillator keyed 
with a footswitch, good for spotting. Tried all sorts of differential 
keying methods and nothing really sounded good.  Eventually the exciter 
will be rebuilt and part of a new rack transmitter running a pair of 813s!

Looks like QSO totals way down.  QRN was mostly manageable, noisiest to 
the west and northwest.  DX TM6M, NP2J, and KV4FZ.  Only ran TX antenna 
in omni mode.  Good check of RX antennas for upcoming KH1 dxpedition.

73 Eric NO3M

Call: NO3M
Operator(s): NO3M
Station: NO3M

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs):
Location: USA
Summary:   Compare Scores
Total:    QSOs    101    Total Score    200

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