[NCC] Treasurer's Report 2/28/2018TH

Ray Fallen ray.fallen.caom at statefarm.com
Sat Mar 3 13:47:00 EST 2018

Good afternoon...

Since I am ND8L/0 with no radio in the middle of the ARRL DX-SSB
Contest, I thought I'd take this opportunity to bring you all up to speed
on NCC Finances.

1/1/2018 - Opening Balance                              $1310.18

Income:         Voluntary Dues received         $ 325.00

Expenses:       QTH.COM Web Hosting             $  59.50
                QTH.COM Domain Charge *             52.25
                WWROF - W3GH/W8GN Tent **     500.00

2/28/2018 - Ending Balance                              $1082.93


* - I paid the QTH.COM NCC website domain charges through 3/1/2023, earning
      us a small discount.

** - This amount was the $500.00 match for the third WRTC 2018 tent
      approved at the January, 2018 NCC Meeting.  Individual member's
      contributions to WWROF for the tent total $600.00 through 2/28/2018

I received a $200.00 check/donation for the WWROF tent, made payable to
me.  It should have been payable to WWROF. I deposited the check in the NCC
account and refunded $200.00 to the donor.  Since it was a wash, the transaction
wasn't included in income or expenses.

Anticipated expenses for 2018 include NCC sponsorships of the Hamvention Super Suite,
the CQ World Wide and ARRL DX Contest Plaques...totaling approximately $430.00.

Should anyone have any questions about or require clarification on this report, please
e-mail me at Ray.Fallen at gmail.com<mailto:Ray.Fallen at gmail.com> or ND8L at arrl.net.

73, Ray

Ray Fallen CLU(r) ChFC(r), Agent
The State Farm Insurance Companies
*  Phone       330.534-8600                  * Fax:      330.534.3276
*  Cellular     330.720.5185                 *  E-Mail:  Ray at RayFallen.COM<mailto:Ray at RayFallen.COM>

* Address      504 East Liberty Street
                       Hubbard, Ohio 44425-2136

We're on The Internet:   www.RayFallen.COM<http://www.rayfallen.com/>

"Everybody has a plan...until they get punched in the face."
-       Mike Tyson

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