[NCC] Fwd: [FCG] NQ4I DX/Contest QTH in Ga for Sale

Jim jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Sep 2 20:23:52 EDT 2018

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "NN4X Steve Sacco" <Nn4x at embarqmail.com>
> Subject: [FCG] NQ4I DX/Contest QTH in Ga for Sale
> Date: September 2, 2018 at 4:41:06 PM EDT
> To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
> Seen on QTH.com...
> DX/Contest QTH in Ga for Sale
> Very exceptional DX and Contest Ham QTH in Middle Georgia for sale!! The Multi-Multi QTH of NQ4I is soon available...12.1 acres. Three towers still in the air..175 ft of Rohn 55 with an 8 element 20m monster still installed. Tower number 2 is 155 ft of Rohn 45 and includes an 8 element 15m Monster! Tower number 3 is 120 ft of Rohn 45 with two 7 element 10m big boys! The qth is over 11,000 sq ft under roof, with 6000 sq ft finished ! The ham shack is 1200 sq ft and includes 200 amp service completely separate from the home. I had 14 operating positions with 12 transceivers and amps! Beverages NE,NW,SE,and SW....very quiet location all under ground power for nearly a mile to overhwead power lines. Upgrades in the qth include granite counter tops, wood floors, 10ft and 12 ceilings, 600 sq ft storm/wine cellar...inground pool, 40 by 80 dog pen...too many to list them all...numerous wins in major contests!! $499,900 price!!
> call my cell for more info. Rick 678-595-6235
> https://swap.qth.com/search-results.php?keywords=1400501&fieldtosearch=ListingNo <https://swap.qth.com/search-results.php?keywords=1400501&fieldtosearch=ListingNo>
> -- 
> Steve Sacco
> NN4X
> Narcoossee, FL 

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