[NCC] [MRRC] SSB SPRINT TEAMS - Next Event this Saturday - a few more for team?

Robert Hayes kw8n at aol.com
Sat Sep 22 16:23:52 EDT 2018

One last call for anyone that wants to be on the last part-time team?

K8MR, K9NW, AB8OU, N8BI  acknowledging your recent e-mails on this subject.



Anyone interested in being on a MRRC/NCC SSB SPRINT Team?


Thanks to all of the members for your support and participation in the NA SSB Sprint contests!


The results from the April 2018 event have been posted on the ssbsprint.com website.


In April 2018 The MRCC/NCC Full-timers team finished 2nd and the MRRC/NCC Part-timers team finished 7th out of the 19 registered teams in the Team Competition. 


The next NA SSB Sprint is this Saturday evening (local time in N America).  That’s Sept 23, 2018 0000Z-0359Z.


We look forward to exchanging QSOs with you again in this fast moving 4-hour contest.


If you would, please indicate your anticipated participation at https://ssbsprint.com/planned-activity/my-planned-activity/.  


That will give us an opportunity to know which states and provinces still need to be activated.


73 Bob KW8N



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