[NCC] Save the date - July 27, 2019

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon Apr 15 22:10:16 EDT 2019

Saturday July 27, 2019 is the date for the Summer NCC picnic and NCC meeting
at K3LR. 

Moving to Saturday this year to allow more time to arrive and to stay and
have fun. Lots of time to swap stories, etc.


We'll start things at 2 PM - detailed K3LR antenna tour and shack tour at 3
PM followed by a smoked meat and fresh corn on the cob catered dinner at
5:30 PM. NCC meeting at 7:30 PM.


Hope more NCC folks will come to K3LR for a great NCC gathering of friends!



Tim K3LR 

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