[NCC] Fwd: ARRL 160 W1NN Single Op LP

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sun Dec 8 20:10:50 EST 2019

Lots of members worked.  Nice job by K3UA at K3LR!

I was hoping that K8MR would call in and give me the rare WCF but I 
never heard him.  I finally worked W4CU in WCF as my QSO number 485.

It was very nice to hear and work NO3M.  Haven't heard much from Eric 
recently.  He said that he hopes to come back to the Thursday night NS 
contests.  It will be good to hear his 50WPM cw again.  I guess that 
means we'll all be slipping one place further down in the results!

73, Hal at Tokyo

ARRL 160-Meter Contest - 2019

Call: W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7
Remote Operation

Total: QSOs = 509 Sections = 66 Countries = 6 Total Score = 74,592

Club: North Coast Contesters


160 contests become daytime events when I operate remotely from Japan 
and this
makes it a little easier to put in a lot of hours since I don't need to 
stay up
all night. However, this time, I arrived just about 10 hours before the 
time, and I had not even begun adjusting to local time, so I ended up just
putting in a few hours.

This event really attracts the activity! It's fun to work a lot of calls 
you don't often hear in other contests.

My Internet connection was pretty erratic the first day and I think my 
CW may
have been choppy. I can't monitor my own CW, just the side tone, so I'm not
sure if this affects my sending, but I'm sorry if it made me difficult 
to copy.

It is humbling to see all of the reports of guys working 30-40 countries. I
have to hand it to those station builders who spend so much effort on their
antennas. I didn't work any EU this time and only heard a few on the 
first day
and none on the second day in my occasional sweeps across the band. 
the EU stations I heard quite well were calling CQ with no replies.

CU in the Stew!

73, Hal W1NN remote in Tokyo

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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