[NCC] Hot off the presses from Spaceweather.com

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Nov 21 21:17:46 EST 2019

>From Spaceweather.com  :

"NOAA forecasters say there is a chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Nov. 21st as Earth moves deeper into the stream. If such a storm materializes, auroras could descend into northern-tier US states such as Michigan and Minnesota."
This afternoon around 2000z while getting things ready at K5KG, for a while I heard a rather loud OH6 on 15 meters, with some auroral mush and QSB. I think he was the only signal on the band at the time. I called him but he answered N5RZ. Auroral E-skip I suspect. Whether he went QRT or the band went QRT I don't know, but he wasn't around for long.
Good luck to all this weekend!

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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