[NCC] Treasurer's Report

Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 14:29:34 EST 2020


I think we go though this every year...in which your absent-minded
 Treasurer attaches a copy of his report and then contesting.com rejects
 the attachment.

Maybe someday I'll learn.  But, as promised, here's your report:

*Cash Balance 1-1-2019:*                                $723.53

*Dues Received (July - October, 2019):*           665.87

- ARRL Contest Branch (Plaques)                  150.00
- QTH.COM (Web Services)                             59.40
- K3LR - Super Suite Reimbursement             150.00
- WWROF (Plaques)                                        130.00

*Total 2019 Disbursements*:                               489.40

*Cash Balance 12-31-2019*                               $900.00

*Dues Received @ 1/4/2020 NCC Meeting*        550.00

*Cash Balance 1-5-2020*                                $1,450.00

If you didn't get a chance to make a voluntary contribution
 at last night's meeting, you may use my PayPal account:
 ray.fallen at gmail.com

If you'd like to go old school and mail a check, Please make the
 check payable to Ray Fallen and mail to 504 East Liberty Street,
 Hubbard, Ohio 44425-2136.

If you use the PayPal option, please e-mail me so I can watch for it.

Unless we have extraordinary expenses this year, your NCC
 is in a good financial position.

I will make every effort to get a financial report e-mailed at least
 so you know where we stand.

73, ND8L

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