w2fu at frontiernet.net w2fu at frontiernet.net
Wed Jul 1 20:18:31 EDT 2020

Oh, and the most important thing.....we had a blast!


-----Original Message-----
From: NCC <ncc-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of w2fu at frontiernet.net
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 8:04 PM
To: 'Vic K1PY' <k1py at frontiernet.net>; rdxa at rdxa.com; RVHFG at groups.io
Cc: ncc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [NCC] FD?

The W2FU Multi-op team (sometimes known as the Radio Rock Contest Club, NU2F) listened to the ARRL call for “creative” entries in FD this year.  So we came up with the following plan.


1.	Follow as many of the Club Group category as possible given social distancing guidelines.

We clearly stretched the 1000’ circle so we were not a “legal” 5A station.

2.	Utilize antique radio components as much as possible.  (aimed at 50s and 60s)
3.	Add some modern technology to the computer networking so we could remain in close contact with each other, while allowing different operators to operate the same band/mode (at different times) and have the logging accurate and up-to-date.  Of course, the computers were doing the logging.
4.	Allow each operator to “do their own thing” in keeping with the guidelines.

SO here’s what transpired:  NU2F operating “5A WNY”


We had 5 operators at 5 different home locations, but used temporary FD installed antennas, structures and emergency power.  This meant that we were as much as about 50 miles apart from each other…now that’s what we call “social Distancing”.  We all erected different antennas for different requirements based on what we intended to do with them.  N1MM WAN networking was setup a few days ahead so we could work out the bugs with everyones computer firewalls, and routers.  The network was flawless, and we always knew where and what each guy was doing, and what was already worked!  Here’s what transpired at each station.


N2ZN – Operated with a Drake TR4 and temporary dipoles.  Ken operated mostly SSB except late in FD, his D-104 gave up the ghost, so he finished up on 20 CW.  Most of the SSB contacts were from Ken.


NW2K – operated all CW using an EICO transmitter and VFO.  Dean did use N1MM keying however using an interface to key the boat-anchors.  Dean did pull out his HB Hartley Transmitter he uses for AWA events to make a few QSOs.  He started out with a Hallicrafters S-108 but did switch it out for a modern receiver….but we won’t hold that against him…an S-108 just can’t cut it in todays crowded FD bands.  Temporary dipoles were in use.


K2UA – Utilized Drake Twins (R4/T4) of various versions due to equipment failures….but managed to stay on 40 CW (his only antenna) for most of FD, except for breaks and our night shutdown for a few hours.  A few other chipped in to help out on 40 CW when Rus wasn’t on, but most of the 1132 40 CW QSOs were made by Rus.  He also utilized N1MM keying, and judging from my experience, this dramatically cuts down on the fatigue factor.  


K0SM operated only Saturday, and had just a few QSOs, but his may be the most remarkable.  Using a Johnson 6N2 along with the 6N2 VFO, Andy managed to work two stations and two grids (including across the lake to VE3) on 2 meters.  AND he made two QSOs on e-skip into Texas on 6 meters.  Small hand held yagis were used.  Andy did pitch in and made about a dozen crystal controlled QSOs on 80 CW using a Johnson Adventurer transmitter.


W2FU – Using a Central Electronics 100V, and SX-101, I did a mix of SSB and CW contacts using D-104 for phone, and a Hallicrafters TO Keyer for CW.  The CE-100V spent an hour upside down on the workbench when I thought I broke it.  Turned out to be operator error when I switched to SSB, I didn’t hold the key down!  I switched the SX-101 out for a Drake 2B about halfway through….no product detector in the SX made it very difficult.  80’ Flat top fed with a Johnson matchbox, and a wire on the ground for a RX antenna.   


      Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Pt/Q

         3.5  CW     183     366   2.0

         3.5  LSB    175     175   1.0

           7  CW    1132    2264   2.0

           7  LSB    308     308   1.0

          14  CW     208     416   2.0

          14  USB      9       9   1.0

          21  CW      80     160   2.0

          50  CW       2       4   2.0

         144  CW       2       4   2.0

       Total  Both  2099    3706   1.8


Now, what will we do next year?





From: Vic K1PY <k1py at frontiernet.net> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 5:07 PM
To: Jeff W2FU <w2fu at frontiernet.net>
Subject: FD?



With the plans that you posted for FD, I, along with everyone else, are really anxious to hear how it all went.

Any "initial" info you'd be willing to provide?

Rus said you guys did well.

All the best



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