[NCC] Presentation

Anthony Luscre k8zt at arrl.net
Mon Mar 16 20:00:22 EDT 2020

I prepared a presentation for ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention that was
canceled last week- "Software & Web Resources for Contesting". Although
designed for contesting newbies it might still be of interest to some of
you. Here is a link- tiny.cc/gl-contest, please feel free to share the link
with others that might be interested.

*Anthony Luscre*

Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach
ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™

a at k8zt.com (best for Education & Technology)
k8zt at arrl.net (best for Amateur Radio)

*The Web Resource Hoarder- www.ZTLearn.com <http://www.ztlearn.com/>*
*Web Resource Hoarder Blog*

*K8ZT Radio Website- www.k8zt.com <http://www.k8zt.com/>*
*My Radio Blog- k8zt.blogspot.com <http://k8zt.blogspot.com/>*

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