[NCC] CQWW CW in one week! whippage --orange level

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Nov 20 18:10:38 EST 2020

Not that it will be NCC points, but I'm planning to be at K5KG, M/S, with K5KG, WC4E, and K4NMR,COVID issues permitting. (Now that outdoors is again pleasant in Florida, COVID has been outbreaking less down here than a lot of places up north). 
Tri-bander and 2L 40 on the same rotator overlay class.
If the off hours I may show up SOLP from the condo, or maybe even SOQRP from the waterfront after my amazingly successful appearance there in CW SS (145 QSOs in 2 hours with a KX3 and HamStick on 20).

73  -  Jim   K8MR

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan <w8car at buckeye-express.com>
To: ncc at contesting.com
Sent: Fri, Nov 20, 2020 4:13 pm
Subject: [NCC] CQWW CW in one week! whippage --orange level

Happy Pre Thanksgiving to all you Covid survivors out there!

One of the best if not THE best contests in arriving next weekend. Let everyone know your plans. Granted, this is an odd year with many multi op stations in limbo but we are after all a CONTEST Club so who’s in?
Let us know your class, power level, activity level, planned TG weight gain and any other info you deem worthy.

W8CAR will be SOHP AB, TG weight gain 5lbs plus leftovers, activity level determined by weather, sleepiness and band conditions

73 Dan W8CAR
contest whip---you’re safe this year because of quarantine but I can always find you next year with the cat-o-nine tails (it will have a whole year to soak in the salt water!)

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