[NCC] Sweepstakes Scores for Club Competition

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Fri Dec 17 02:26:06 EST 2021

Hello Everyone,

These are the final NCC scores shown in the ARRL Affiliated Club 
Competition for 2021:

2021 SS CW 	13,696 		AA8OY 	


	116,088 		K3UA 	

	130,544 		K8BL 	

	6,004 		N3SD 	

	84,000 		NJ3K 	
2021 SS Phone 	91,020 		K3UA 	

	13,924 		N0QQ 	

	21,330 		N3SD 	



If you submitted your score on time and designated NCC as your club but 
do not see your score above, please let me know and I'll find out why it 
is not on the list.

Best of the season to you all!

73, Hal W1NN

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