[NCC] ARRL CW Feb 20- next weekend

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sun Feb 14 17:04:02 EST 2021

Hey Masked Whipper*

Representing the NCC contingent in JA, I hereby announce that I will be 
on with my peanut whistle via the remote focusing on the low bands.  I 
can't check my antennas myself but thanks to the efforts of my Ohio 
antenna maintenance team (K8MR and AF8A) over the past few months, my 
80M antenna is working well so I hope to spend some time there in 
addition to 40.  Semi part time.

GL everyone and let's hope that things are back to normal for next 
year's contest.

73, Hal remote at shaky-tokyo

*Reminds me of that famous TV "Masked Man" whom many of us old fogies 
will remember.  Wasn't the Lone Ranger wearing his mask upside down?

On 2/14/2021 1:04 AM, Dan wrote:
> It’s that time of almost Spring to check your antennas (which you can do this weekend with the HCQP, PA and CQWPXRTTY tests).
> Get you radios ready, your filters sharpened and your memories loaded for the ARRL DX CW weekend.
> The reflector has been very quiet so let’s wake it up with your plans.
> W8CAR with be SOHP (A?) part/full timeish depending on condx and sleep pattern.
> If you’re remote, at home or in JA let us know your plans!
> Stay safe and remember- with the wx in OH ,PA and NY there is nothing better than participating in ARRL DX next weekend.
> 73 Dan W8CAR
> the masked whipper
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