Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon Feb 22 23:11:31 EST 2021

Great job Jon!

Hope to hear you in SSB ARRL DX!

Tim K3LR

-----Original Message-----
From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jon Kovacs
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 11:02 PM
To: North Coast Contesters
Subject: [NCC] ARRL CW DX

        ARRLDXCW Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2021-02-20

    CallSign Used : K8LY

     ARRL Section : OH
         Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.8990.0

        Band     QSOs     Pts  Cty  Pt/Q
         3.5      52     153   24   2.9
           7      68     204   36   3.0
          14      82     246   34   3.0
          21      84     252   30   3.0
       Total     286     855  124   3.0

            Score : 106,020

Well Dan, as i predicted, COVID second shot got me!!!!   Got my shot friday
at 5:00 pm, was doing pretty good at contest start and right up till going
to bed.  I thought I had it licked and that all the crap I read and heard
was not going to happen to me.....   Got up Saturday morning, got some
coffee and thought all was great, hour later every bone in my body ached,
but figured it would go away.  Got back on radio for couple hours and was
freezing??  Another hour or so got really tired and slight headache....
 Got to point where I couldn't listen to cw signals anymore as it was all
noise, just couldn't focus....Next thing I knew was wife reaching up and
shutting off my rig and computers as I had fallen asleep for 4 hours!!!
 Off to bed I was sent and that was it for saturday.      Sunday morning
was fine, almost 100% after pot of coffee and tylenol.

Needless to say, I really did give it a shot, hope like hell I didn't do
anything while I was sleeping?????  maybe missed some multipliers etc?????

Jon k8ly
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