[NCC] W8CAR RDXC score (or lack of)

Dan w8car at buckeye-express.com
Mon Mar 22 15:20:10 EDT 2021

                  Russian DX Contest - 2021

Call: W8CAR
Operator(s): W8CAR
Station: W8CAR

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: oh
Operating Time (hrs): 9

Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:    0     0         0         0
   80:    4     0         4         1
   40:   92     0        26         4
   20:  218     0        52        15
   15:   15     0         7         0
   10:    9     0         7         0
Total:  338     0        96        20  Total Score = 172,724

Club: North Coast Contesters

Comments:Condx were tough to say the least. At the 1200Z start I heard few signals on 20 and began working stateside on 40. The fact that people were there to work was a testament to condx. Things seemed to get a little better but some loud stations could not hr me while fairly weak stations came right back. Took time off for lunch and dinner. After going to 40 it was really rough with what seemed to be low activity and 80 was a noise pit. (found out next day one of the verticals on the HIZ had broken at about the 4 foot level-not good for a phasing array!) Gave up after nine hours of operating and watched reruns of Battlestar Gallactica-their radios worked!—They weren’t “fracked”

73 Dan

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