[NCC] NAQP CW Teams - First Update and Nag

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sun Jan 9 22:54:21 EST 2022


Less than a week to go.  We've got a pretty good start for our list of 
participants but still missing lots of regulators.

So far, I have the following members planning to operate:

Full Time:  N8SBE, N8AA, K8RYU, K8BL, WW3S, W1NN

Part Time:  NF8M, AB8OU, AF8A, W8RU

If I failed to include you in the above list, please let me know.

I'm sure there are many more ops planning to operate.  Please let me 
know by Friday night 11PM EST of your plans.  I will register the teams 
and post the list of teams here.

73, Hal W1NN

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