Jon Kovacs jonlk1040 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 23:40:45 EDT 2022

                 CQWWSSB Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2022-10-29

    CallSign Used : K8LY


      Band     QSOs     Pts   ZN  Cty  Pt/Q
         3.5      46     123   10   28   2.7
           7      96     259   12   42   2.7
          14     161     439   19   62   2.7
          21     142     395   20   58   2.8
          28     272     798   17   72   2.9
       Total     717    2014   78  262   2.8

            Score : 684,760

    Well, for a  senior citizen "little Pistol", I personally think I did
pretty damn good?  Used the 1000 MP Mark V Field Friday nite and Saturday
morning, then went to the 7610 Saturday afternoon and Sunday.  Spent more
time on 10 than I wanted, but what the hell - it was wide open!!   My 40
and 80 dipoles weren't as good as in the past, but they worked.   Even
though my Skyhawk beam is surrounded by trees, it kicked ass!!
This was by far my very best personal effort since I began contesting back
in 1990.  I know for some this was a drop in the bucket, but for me, this
was awesome!!

Jon K8LY

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