[NCC] Fw: ARRL 160 K8MR Single Op Limited-Ant LP

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Dec 3 13:36:02 EST 2023

 ----- Forwarded Message -----
 From: "webform at b4h.net" <webform at b4h.net>To: "3830 at contesting.com" <3830 at contesting.com>; "jimk8mr at aol.com" <jimk8mr at aol.com>Sent: Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 01:32:32 PM ESTSubject: ARRL 160 K8MR Single Op Limited-Ant LP
                     ARRL 160-Meter Contest - 2023

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K8MR

Class: Single Op LP
Class Overlay: Limited-Ant 
Operating Time (hrs): 1

Total:  QSOs = 10  Sections = 4  Countries = 2  Total Score = 156

Club: Florida Contest Group


In the *very* limited antenna category. A few days back I put up the 160M
inverted L which had worked reasonably well last year, but was totally FUBAR
this year. Investigation will resume in a few days after it cools off. So I
force fed the 80M OCF, which barely worked. Of my 10 QSOs, 5 were NFL, and one
almost (NO9E in very southern Georgia). PJ2T and ZF2VE were easy, KP4AA took
some time. Only the very loudest had enough of a path from me. N4BP, who
mentioned local line noise in his post, and W4FOC operating from Tampa in WCF
were called lots without a "?".

Looking for better success in the 10M contest this weekend.

73  - Jim  K8MR

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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