[NCC] Taking Names (& Calls) for NAQP CW

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Fri Jan 6 02:15:47 EST 2023

Hello and HNY to Everyone,

We're well into the New Year and NAQP CW is fast approaching.  As 
promised, I will put together teams and submit them before the contest.  
Please join us for one of the best events of the year. We have had as 
many as five teams in the past and a couple of times we've had a team in 
the top ten.

Give me your best estimate of your likely activity level:  full time or 
part time.  No negative consequences if you say you'll be full time and 
end up only part time (or vice-versa).


73, Hal W1NN

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