[NCC] NCC Treasurer's Report

Tim Jellison w3yq at w3yq.com
Sun Jan 15 08:13:38 EST 2023

Prior to our gathering at K8AZ next Saturday, please take a moment to 
look at our finances.  For several year, dues have been waived and our 
treasury operates solely on donations.  Those donations normally flow in 
to our treasury twice a year - at the K8AZ Open House in January, and at 
the K3LR picnic in July.  Donations come from passing the hat at the 
events and via the mail from those who were not able to attend.  The 
members have always been VERY generous!  Since inception, NCC doesn't 
publish a list of "who gave what" and that will continue.  Simply 
stated, we are a group of good friends who quietly get things done.

For 2022, we started the year with a balance of $2561.00. Surrounding 
the K8AZ meeting, we received donations totaling $370.00 (unusually low 
because we met virtually, thanks to COVID, and couldn't physically pass 
a hat) and $750.00 flowed in around the K3LR picnic.

Our expenses were:
$160 to ARRL for contest plaques
$375 for the Dayton Supersuite
$130 to CQ for contest plaques

Additionally, we received $.19 as interest from the bank.  This left us 
with a balance of $3016.19 at year's end.

Please note that I have recently moved from West Virginia to 
Pennsylvania.  If you're going to send a donation to NCC, make sure you 
use the PA address (the FCC database is correct) and make the check out 
to Tim Jellison and not NCC.  NCC does not have a business account at a 

See you Saturday.

Tim #2 (W3YQ)

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