[NCC] W8CAR 160 score and comments

Dan Kovatch w8car at bex.net
Sun Jan 29 14:23:17 EST 2023

 CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW - 2023

Call: W8CAR
Operator(s): W8CAR
Station: W8CAR

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: oh
Operating Time (hrs): 15

Total:  QSOs = 830  State/Prov = 57  Countries = 31  Total Score = 206,184

Club: North Coast Contesters

That was fun. Started on Friday afternoon with antenna problem. turns out (
I think) some unwanted insect leftovers were arcing in  variable cap for
tuning. A good cleaning with alcohol and all was right.

Started and just ran for the first few hours with good rates until till
about 10 pm then my inner DXer took over. Not much to find on first night
but overall condx seemed okay but not stellar. The second night was much
better for me for DX.  I found a spot on 1863 about 04:30 Z and just ran.
About 90% of calls were DX. ended up working over 50 DX on that frequency.
Tough digging out calls at times but other times they just were loud. (I
had to relearn how to use diversity on the K3 once I got that down copy was
much better). Scanned the band for more mults and then bagged it at 2:30
local.Never got on in the a.m. either day ( I think I'm getting older?)

Never heard ND or DC  and a few VE provinces

Nice to work so many NCC and MRRC members


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