[NCC] NCC meeting and picnic - Saturday July 29 at K3LR

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Sat Jul 15 12:31:20 EDT 2023

Bruce, NJ3K will be checking QSL cards for DXCC, WAS and VUCC at the NCC picnic.


Bring your cards!



Tim K3LR


On Jul 13, 2023 9:51 PM, Tim Duffy <k3lr at k3lr.com> wrote:

NCC Picnic starting at NOON on Saturday, July 29 at K3LR. 

2 PM Picnic lunch 

3 PM NCC meeting 

The North Coast Contesters July picnic meeting on Saturday July 29 at K3LR 
will be held in conjunction with YDXA 2023 

This is a GREAT opportunity for members of the North Coast Contesters to 
interact and mentor the W3Y YDXA youth operators during the IOTA contest. 

Please make plans to attend the NCC picnic at K3LR on July 29! 


Tim K3LR 

NCC mailing list 
NCC at contesting.com 


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