[NCC] Treasurers Report

Tim Jellison w3yq at w3yq.com
Thu Jul 27 06:56:54 EDT 2023

Greetings all.  Heading into the summer meeting/picnic at K3LR on 
Saturday, here is how the club's treasury is doing.

We began the year with a balance of $3016.19.  As has been done for many 
years, dues were waved but the members generously donated a total of 
$805.00 during 2023 - most of which was received during the K8AZ annual 
Christmas gathering.  The funds are stored in a simple bank savings 
account, and that produced a paltry 17 cents of interest.  Expenses so 
far this year have been $350 for the Dayton super suite and $160 to 
sponsor plaques for ARRL Sweepstakes.  All of this activity leaves us 
with a balance of $3311.36.

NCC has a long tradition of working quietly and with very little 
bureaucracy.  A list of individual donations 'IS' maintained by the 
treasurer, but that list is not shared with the general membership. If 
anyone wishes to view the list, however, to make sure that your donation 
is properly accounted for, I will gladly open the records for you.  Just 

I look forward to seeing you at Tim's this Saturday.

Tim #2  W3YQ

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