[NCC] Misc. For Sale

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Jul 28 19:40:50 EDT 2023



 I'm still helping Vlad, AA8CA clear out his radio stuff. Among the things looking for a new home are:

A Buddipole Deluxe Package

A homebrew antenna combiner and set of bandpass filters, that Vlad had put together and very effectively ran SO2R with a single longwire antenna. I assume it's only good for 100 watts or so.

A pair of 14 foot telescoping fiberglass masts, with a 24" piece of teflon that could serve as a center insulator.

Yaesu FT-920 Transceiver

40 and 20 meter mobile whips, similar to HamSticks.

Deepelec NanoVNA-F   Vector Network Analyzer.   See   http://www.deepelec.com

Available for inspection and pickup at my QTH in Orange Village. Other than the FT-920 I'll bring this along to the K3LR NCC picnic tomorrow.

73  -  Jim  K8MR


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