[NCC] CW Sprint is this Saturday - looking for team members

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon Jan 29 18:54:08 EST 2024

I am putting together teams for NCC and MRRC


Let me know if you are interested in being on a team!



Tim K3LR


You're all invited to pound some brass this weekend in the North American CW
Sprint - Feb 4th 0000-0359 UTC (Saturday evening in NA).  It's four hours of
scrambling fun to make contacts, tune, and make some more. (See the rules
for more on the special QSY rule.)  Check out the contest web page at


Contact any station in North America (CQ Zones 1-8 plus KH6) and send BOTH
call signs, serial number, your name, and QTH (state, province, prefix, or
"DX" for non-NA).  DX stations outside NA are quite welcome - only contact
NA stations, though.


For information about operating in the CW Sprint, see the contest web page.
There is a good article by Jim George, N3BB about how to operate if you
haven't tried this contest before.  If you are in a rare QTH or a DX
country, check out the records at
https://ncjweb.com/sprint-scores/CWSprintRecords.pdf and see if there isn't
something to shoot for.  There are QRP and LP categories, too.


If you haven't "sprinted" before, check out the Thursday night, 30-minute
practice session sponsored by the NCCC: https://www.ncccsprint.com/.  It
starts at 0230 UTC.  There is a weekly announcement posted here on
CQ-Contest - watch for it!



CQ NA - 73, Ward N0AX

CW Sprint Manager with the Boring Amateur Radio Club

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