Tim Duffy
k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Oct 24 19:54:29 EDT 2024
Something I learned many years ago – spending lots of time in Europe - is that Europeans LOVE phonetics. They use them all the time.
We discuss this at Contest University in the USA and in Europe.
So even when introducing each other IN PERSON (not on the radio) – DL1ABC will say “Hi, I am Delta Lima One Alpha Bravo Charlie”. He will not say, “Hi, I am DL1ABC”.
The reason is straight forward. There are many languages and many accents. English is not the first language of most of these guys, so ENGLISH phonetics are very important.
The right phonetics are important as well. Kilowatt Three Lima Radio is not good. Guys copy that as KW3LR. I dissect the K3LR UBN/LCR reports. We now use Kilo Three Lima Radio. Then no more busts of K3LR.
Good Luck in the contest,
Kilo Three Lima Radio
From: MRRC at groups.io [mailto:MRRC at groups.io] On Behalf Of Jim Stahl via groups.io
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2024 6:44 PM
To: ncc at groups.io; Tim Duffy; Mad River Radio Club
Subject: Re: [MRRC] [NCC] CQWW SSB tips
A couple more thoughts:
The guy who called you can recognize his call. You don't need to use phonetics.
"DL1ABC 5 9 0 4"
"Delta Lima 1 Alpha Bravo Charlie 5 9 0 4"
Likewise, with guys calling sign with "Thank you K 8 A Zed" rather than "Thank you Kilo 8 Alpha Zulu".
When CQing, at least occasionally alternate phonetics. I occasionally find a guy who I can't quite understand. Switch between "Kilo Eight Alpha Zulu" and Kilo Eight America Zanzibar"
Have fun in CQWW. Many us won't be around for the next sunspot peak
73 - Jim K8MR
On Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 04:08:42 PM EDT, Tim Duffy <k3lr at k3lr.com> wrote:
Operating Tip
Dan Zeitlin, K2YWE, has some tips for how to achieve higher QSO rates to
increase your score during this weekend's CQ World Wide DX Contest - SSB.
Higher rates require spending less time per QSO. Here's how.
Eliminate wasted words.
Avoid phrases like "please copy" and "thank you for." The quicker and more
efficient each QSO is, the higher your net rate will be.
Avoid repetition.
Do not repeat your call or the exchange unless conditions warrant it. If the
station you're working missed part of the exchange, they will ask you for a
Limit fill information.
When a station requests a fill, give only the information that is asked for.
Do not repeat the entire exchange, it wastes your time, and theirs.
Avoid partial calls
When giving your call sign, always give your entire call. Partial calls will
only cause stations to ask for more repeats. If they copy only part of your
call, they'll ask you for a repeat.
Remember the K3ZO (SK) "Rule of Twice"
If you can't get them after calling twice, move on to another station.
Additionally, you should move on if you come across a station "running" and
they don't give their call sign after transmitting twice.
- Thanks to Dan Zeitlin, K2YWE, and Contest University
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