[NCC] From N3QE [PVRC] Secrets to doing well in ARRL DX test?

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Feb 13 15:45:23 EST 2025

-------- Original message --------

From: Tim Shoppa <tshoppa at gmail.com> 

Date: 2/13/25 11:41 AM (GMT-05:00) 

Subject: Re: [PVRC] Secrets to doing well in ARRL DX test? 


1: Everyone in the world is beaming the US/VE. The hour or two around and after EU sunrise can be super productive on 40 (it was gonzo good last weekend in WPX RTTY).

2: 20M opening to EU  (esp Eastern EU) after EU sunrise (2-5AM our time) can be very productive. Especially at solar max when 20M is likely to be ignored in common daylight. You'll work VK's and ZL's too at this time.

3: Especially in February there's a 10M/15M opening to Scandinavia late in our afternoon

4: Copy the DX's exchange each time. Trust your ears each time, don't accept the logger's suggestion of what you thought you heard the night before.

5: If you get a US/VE caller just work the guy to get him out of the way. 

6: Self-spotting is allowed in all ARRL contests now. Especially important to self-spot while running on SSB, but also important on CW because lots of clusters don't carry RBN spots.


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