[Nodxa] KH8SI

Tedd Mirgliotta kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Mon Jul 24 07:43:20 EDT 2006

>From OPDX.678

Well known DXer Kan, JA1BK/KH6BK, and a group of operators will activate
another new DXCC entity. The team of 6 operators will travel to Swains
Island some time this week. Swains Island was recently added to the DXCC's
entity this past weekend due to the recent DXCC rule change (ed. See DXCC
News below). The team of operators who have been in Pago Pago, American
Samoa, since Thursday, July 20th, have been delayed in going to Swains
Island due to some transportation problems. The list of operators are
Kan/JA1BK/KH6BK (team leader), Uti/KS6FO, Paul/F6EXV/WH7S, John/K1ER,
Tets/AH7C and John/K8YSE. Larry, AH8LG, President of the American Samoa
Amateur Radio Association (ASARA), has been helping in planning/organizing
and has provided the team with lots of resources and logistics to make
this operation happen. Larry will not be going with the team but will be
a pilot station for the operation. However, Larry's wife, Uti, KS6FO, is
expected to travel with the team to Swains Island and will do the cooking
for the team. The callsign will be KH8SI once again. Activity will be on
HF bands CW/SSB. However, the team will utilize the best bands to work
as many as possible during this short operation (possibly 3-4 days).
The start date is unsure at this time due to the transportation to the
island. QSL via JA1BK. More details will be forthcoming.

ADDED NOTE: Those who use propagation and bearing programs may be interested
in the following coordinates (Lat/Long) to use. Some of the following
agencies have a slight vary in their coordinates, but all are very close.
  U.S. Department of Interior -- Latitude   11 degrees  3 minutes South
                                 Longitude 170 degrees 55 minutes West
  U.S. Coast Guard ------------- Latitude   11 degrees  4 minutes South
                                 Longitude 171 degrees  5 minutes West
  U.S. Census Bureau ----------- Latitude   11.08207  South
                                 Longitude 171.04813  West
  CIA FACT Book ---------------- Latitude   11 degrees  3 minutes South
                                 Longitude 171 degrees 15 minutes West

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org --or-- kb8nw at arrl.net
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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