[Nodxa] Division Awards Deadline and 2007 GLDC Approaching

Tedd Mirgliotta kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Wed Aug 15 18:57:01 EDT 2007

Hello DXers,
Over the next month you will really hear me promoting the fast
approaching 2007 Great Lakes Division Convention. It is something you
should attend and enjoy because who knows when the next one will be in
the Cleveland area again. Advance tickets for the seminars and dinner
banquet are discounted and can be purchased online at the GLDC Web page
(see details below). There will be some interesting speakers who should
be enjoyable and educational. There will be some vendors, hospitality
suite (with free munchies and beverages), QSL checking (DXCC, VUCC,
WAS..etc), meet/greet ARRL President, GLD Director, well-known
DXers/Contester, and GLD awards being passed out.
  OH... Just a reminder that you only have until Friday, August 17th, to
nominate someone for a Great Lakes Division Award: Amateur of the Year,
Technical Achievement and the George S. Wilson III W4OYI Great Lakes
Division Award. All details and an a online nomination form are
available at:
The following is a press release on the convention, so please read and
I hope to see you there............ 73 de Tedd KB8NW


              2007 ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention
             "Ham Radio Alive and Well in Northern Ohio"

   Something special is taking place late September. For the first time
(so they say) the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) will be holding
their Great Lakes Division Convention (GLD) on September 22nd in
Independence, Ohio. The GLD Convention is usually held every two years
in different cities, so this year it is in the Cleveland area (the day
before the Cleveland Hamfest). So, what goes on at a convention?
Sponors, many informative Seminars, Hospitality Room, Award presentations,
Dinner Banquet with a guest speaker, Prizes, Special Ceremonial of "The
Royal Order of the Wouff Hong" and a great time with plently of camaraderie
with other hams.
  It all starts Friday evening (September 21st) at the Sheraton
Independence Hotel with early registration and a Hospitality Room
provided by the Cuyahoga Amateur Radio Society (CARS), Lake Erie Amateur
Radio Association (LEARA) and the Northern Ohio DX Association (NODXA).
  On Saturday morning there will be continued registration, sponsor
tables, and the hospitality room will open at 9:00 a.m. The hospitality
room will host card checking and free refreshments both Friday evening
and Saturday morning.
  Opening ceremonies begin at 11:30 a.m. The first seminar will start
at noon with Bob Heil/K9EID and Chip Margelli/K7JA in a joined two room
session. Bob’s, K9EID, pioneering work in the Amateur Radio world has
led to significant improvements in audio quality throughout the
industry. His company, Heil Sound, is the leading manufacturer of
microphones and boom-sets for the world of Ham Radio. Chip, K7JA, has
been active in DXing for over 42 years. You may have seen him on the
Tonight Show with Jan Leno competing with (and defeating) the U.S.
Champion cell-phone text messenger in a message-completion speed
   The room wil then be divided into two rooms. One room will go into
an intense DX session, and the other will cover 3 different amateur radio
interests seminars.
   1:00-1:10 P.M.: Tedd/KB8NW (NODXA President and Editor of the OPDX)
                   will open and moderate DX seminars. Guest speakers
                   will include (times may vary):

   1:10-1:45 P.M.: Bernie McClenny/W3UR Editor of "The Daily DX and
                   Weekly DX" and QST’s "How’s DX?" column. He will
                   give a talk on the "History of DX from the beginning
                   to today".

   1:45-2:10 P.M.: Don Karvonen/K8MFO, Ohio’s number one DXer who is
                   in the top ten of the ARRL’s DXCC Challenge, is
                   expected to give talk about 6 meter DXing.

   2:10-2:40 P.M.: John Papay/K8YSE, one of the KH8SI operators, will
                   talk about activating Swains Islands as a brand new
                   DXCC entity.

   2:40-3:25 P.M.: Bob Allphin/K4UEE, recently appointed DXAC Chairman,
                   will talk about the DXAC and his recent VU7RG

   3:30-3:55 P.M.: DX seminars will end with a question and answer
                   panel consisting of KB8NW, K8YSE, K4UEE, K8MFO,
                   K4ZLE, W3UR and possibility others.

 Other seminars (second room) taking place:
   1:00-1:55 P.M.: ARRL EmComm speaker from Headquarters will discuss
                   emergency communications and the National Emergency
                   Response Planning Report. Speaker will be newly
                   appointed Dennis Dura, K2DCD.  He is their new ARRL
                   Emergency Preparedness & Response Manager. Visit the
                   ARRL Web site and read more about Dennis, K2DCD, at:
   2:00-2:55 P.M.: ARDF by Bob Frey/WA6EZV and Dick Arnett/WB4SUV. Lots
                   of great equipment will be demonstrated and on display.
                   Photos and information from International Competitions
                   will also be available.
   3:00-3:55 P.M.: Jim Sanford/WB4GCS Amsat’s Eagle Satellite Project
                   Manager will discuss new developments and talk about
                   what the new Eagle high orbit satellite will mean
                   for everyone.

   4:00 P.M.: Seminar rooms will once again be joined and will close
              with Tim Duffy/K3LR, an expert on Antennas/Contesting.
              He will talk about his K3LR Multi-Multi Contest Station.
              Many of you may have seen his station while traveling on
              I-80 when in Pennsylvania near the Ohio line.

   6:00 P.M.: Great Lakes Division Director Jim Weaver/K8JE will
              present the Great Lakes Division Awards on the 2nd floor
              in the Independence Room. Please consider nominating a
              fellow ham for one of these awards by visiting:

   The banquet will start at 7:00 P.M. where the President of the ARRL,
Joel Harrison/W5ZN will be the keynote speaker. Following the banquet
the top secret Wouff Hong ceremony will begin for any interested ARRL

   Please support this great event by attending. Sponsors have helped
make ticket prices lower than usual. Advanced sale tickets are
available for purchase online at www.2007gldc.org along with complete
information and any late news or changes.

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org --or-- kb8nw at arrl.net
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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