[Nodxa] Fwd: Fwd: Solar Blast Just Misses Earth

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Mon Aug 9 07:36:05 PDT 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Fwd: Solar Blast Just Misses Earth
Date: 	Sun, 8 Aug 2010 23:35:06 EDT
From: 	LEEWICAL at aol.com
To: 	undisclosed-recipients:;

QSL ????
From: swlist at spaceweather.com
To: swlist at spaceweather.com
Sent: 8/7/2010 9:35:41 P.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
Subj: Solar Blast Just Misses Earth

     Space Weather News for August 8, 2010

     SOLAR BLAST JUST MISSES EARTH: On Saturday, August 7th, magnetic
     fields around sunspot 1093 erupted. NASA spacecraft and many amateur
     astronomers photographed the blast, which produced a strong M1-class
     solar flare and hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) into
     space--apparently just missing the sun-Earth line. The explosion
     also made whooshing sounds in the loudspeakers of some shortwave
     radios. Visit http://spaceweather.com for audio recordings and
     movies of this latest solar event.

     AURORA RECAP: Last week's geomagnetic storm sparked Northern Lights
     as far south as Iowa in the United States, and some nice Southern
     Lights over Antarctica. For the latest images, start browsing here:

     SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms
     erupt at your latitude? Sign up for Space Weather Phone:

     You are subscribed to the Space Weather mailing list, a free service
     of Spaceweather.com.

     New subscribers may sign up for free space weather alerts at
     http://spaceweather.com/services/ .

     To unsubscribe click here:
     http://www.spaceweather2.com/u?id=565365M&n=T&l=spaceweather or send
     a blank email to leave-spaceweather-565365M at www.spaceweather2.com

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