Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW)
kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Wed Aug 18 08:17:31 PDT 2010
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 09:13:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: ARRL Members Only Web site <memberlist at www.arrl.org>
To: kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
(Reply to nb4k at arrl.org)
Dear Ohio Amateur Radio Operator,
US Senate Bill S. 1536, the Alert Drivers Act, is intended to improve
highway safety by reducing driving distractions caused primarily by
cell phones. Unfortunately, current wording of this Bill does not
specifically exempt Amateur Radio from is provisions. The Bill is in
the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. As a result, ARRL
asks members who live in states that have a representative on this
committee to direct letters to senators who are on this Committee.
Senator George Voinovich of Ohio is one of the members of the Senate
Environment and Public Works Committee.
We ask each ARRL member in Ohio to write a letter to Senator Voinovich
asking that Senate Bill S. 1536 be amended to exempt Amateur Radio.
You may use the letter that is attached or compose one of your own.
Either way it needs to be done as soon as possible.
As has been done in the past, please send your signed letter to our
Washington representative, John Chwat. Mr. Chwat will deliver the
letters directly to Mr. Voinovich's office to increase their impact.
Please send your letter via one of the following methods:
As a signed attachment to an email to: arrl at chwatco.com.
As a signed fax to: 703-684-7594
As a signed letter to:
John Chwat
Chwat & Co.
625 Slaters Lane, Suite 103
Alexandria, VA 22314
If you choose to email your letter, please send it as a
personally-signed attachment to the email instead of as unsigned e-mail
text. This allows the letter to be easily printed and delivered to Mr.
Voinovich. If you decide to draft your own letter instead of editing
the sample, please remember to include the following key points:
- Identify the bill by number and title: S 1536 "The ALERT Drivers
- Ask that S 1536 be amended to exempt "two way mobile radio
transmitters or receivers used by licensees of the Federal
Communications Commission in the Amateur Radio service."
- Keep the letter brief and on the single topic - one page at the
- Ask the Senator to consider becoming a co-sponsor and support this
- Thank the Senator for considering your request.
If you prefer to send your letter directly to Senator Voinovich, please
also send a copy of it to Chwat & Co. This allows our team to discuss
accurately with the Senator and his staff the amount of support the
bill has in Ohio.
Thanks for your help on this Bill. I look forward to corresponding
further with you in the future.
The draft letter is below.
John D. Meyers, NB4K
Great Lake Division
Legislative Action Chairman
Nb4k at arrl.org
Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH)
524 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Attn: Chip Abernathy
Fax: 202-228-1382
Dear Senator Voinovich,
I understand that S. 1536, “The ALERT Drivers Act,” will be voted
upon in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. As an
amateur radio licensee and member of the American Radio Relay League,
representing over 680,000 amateur radio licensees nationwide, including
28,377 in the state of Ohio, I urge you to support an amendment to S.
1536 that exempts amateur radio licensees from this type of ban. The
amendment would seek to exempt “two way mobile radio transmitters or
receivers used by licensees of the Federal Communications Commission in
the Amateur Radio service.”
The form of communication used by amateur radio licensees is
fundamentally different from that of cell phone users. Amateur radio
utilizes simplex, two-way radio communication in which relatively
little time is spent transmitting—unlike cell phones. Additionally,
the mobile radio sets used by amateur radio operators are typically
permanently mounted on the floor of the motor vehicle and do not
interfere with operation of the vehicle. In fact, after more than 50
years of amateur radio in the U.S., we are unaware of any evidence that
mobile radio operation has contributed to driver inattention. Amateur
radio licensees are public-service minded citizens who use their
radio-equipped motor vehicles to aid others, and they focus on driving
in order to perform these services.
Please contact our Washington representative, John Chwat, if you can
help us by sponsoring this amendment. Please contact him at
john.chwat at chwatco.com or (703) 684-7703.
Thank you,
(Your signature)
(Your printed name)
(Your address)
(Your city, state, ZIP)
(Your telephone number, e-mail address)
Tnx vy much for your important help,
Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director
ARRL Great Lakes Division
5065 Bethany Rd.
Mason, OH 45040; Tel. 513-459-1661
ARRL, The national organization for Amateur Radio
ARRL Great Lakes Division
Director: James E Weaver, K8JE
k8je at arrl.org
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