[Nodxa] Fwd: EAS TEST INFO

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Fri Nov 4 14:13:04 PDT 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Date: 	Fri, 4 Nov 2011 15:57:39 -0400
From: 	Wes Boyd <wboyd at theradiocenter.com>
Reply-To: 	<wboyd at theradiocenter.com>
Organization: 	Cumulus Broadcasting
To: 	<kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org>

Hello again from Tucson and the BDR! ( www.TheBDR.net
<http://www.thebdr.net/> )

Well, here it is, the countdown to the first ever National EAS Test. And
there has been a lot of confusion.

     * The sudden requirement to print out and post new Handbooks for the
     * The "new" web report form, which raised more questions than it
     * The reduction from 3 minutes to 30 seconds for the test.
     * Monitoring issues.
     * State Plans that are out of date.
     * The upcoming end of Daylight Saving Time
     * General FUD (Fear, uncertainty, doubt)

This newsletter will mostly focus on answers, and avoid speculation,
which seems to be running riot in some publications and some Internet
lists. Wrong information is all over the place. One site says the test
is jointly with DHS, FEMA, the FCC, and NWS. NWS? No, NWS is not involved.

Also, "great concern in local police and EM circles about undue public
anxiety over this test." And, "fear that the test message on TV will not
indicate that it is just a test." While the content may be insufficient
for some hearing impaired people, all TV stations will have a test
message. The only concern in most circles is speculation.

The latest information and up-to-date answers from the FCC are on the
BDR EAS page:


     * * Yes, the test has been reduced to 30 seconds, largely based on
       worry the current system (under Part 11) will not provide clear
       visual information to hearing impaired people. *
     * The Web report form has been adjusted, and some information is now
       optional, including private cell phones.
     * No, this test has nothing to do with CAP/EAS receivers now
       mandated by June 30, 2012.
     * No, stations are not asked to do anything different next week. The
       test is of the current legacy system as is.
     * No, the Enforcement Bureau will not be using this test to generate

Above all, as they say in that famous book /The Hitchhikers' Guide to
the Galaxy, /"*Don't Panic!"
*The FCC expects this test to expose problems. They only ask that
stations report what happens.

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org --or-- kb8nw at arrl.net
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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