[Nodxa] September NODXA Meeting

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Sat Sep 3 03:56:00 PDT 2011

Just a reminder that there will not be a meeting on Monday,
September 5th, because of the holiday. However, there will
be a meeting on September 12th. We will have a program.
Devere "Dee" Logan, W1HEO, will have a presentation on his
Aruba (P4) DXpedition. This will be a different presentation
than the one he did did at the QCWA meeting (with more pictures).
Hope to see you there. Also, have a great holiday weekend.
73 de Tedd KB8NW

P.S. If you worked the ST0R DXpedition, they now have a
picture of the QSL card at the following URL link. NODXA's
logo is right in the middle on the back of the QSL card.
To see it, go to:  http://www.dxfriends.com/SouthernSudan2011/qsl.php

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org --or-- kb8nw at arrl.net
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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