[Nodxa] Fwd: Fwd: [dx-check:1364] FW: Online DXCC Web tool

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Thu Mar 15 10:47:25 PDT 2012

The following is from NODXA's QSL Checker Keith, N8KOL....

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Fwd: [dx-check:1364] FW: Online DXCC Web tool
Date: 	Wed, 14 Mar 2012 22:11:32 +0000
To: 	Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW <kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org>

> *From: *"Moore, Bill, NC1L (ARRL Awards Branch)" <nc1l at arrl.org
> <mailto:nc1l at arrl.org>>
> *Date: *March 14, 2012 5:02:26 PM GMT
> *Subject: **[dx-check:1364] FW: Online DXCC Web tool*
> Hi All:
> Over the past several years I have been mentioning that DXCC is
> working on a system where applicants would enter QSO data from their
> QSLs into a digital DXCC application, and pay less for doing this for
> us. With DXCC staff’s data entry time reduced, we could charge less
> than a traditional application, process more applications in the same
> time, and provide better customer service.
> Well, I am pleased to tell you that for the past several months we
> have been working with our programmers, and completion is near. We are
> currently beta-testing the system which we are calling /Online DXCC/.
> Following is a brief description of this system and the Card Checker’s
> role.
> For the most part, the Card Checker’s job hasn’t changed much. After
> the applicant has typed-in the QSO data from the QSLs (or loaded-in an
> ADIF file that comes from a logging program), he/she will print the
> application and either bring it to a Card Checker or mail it and the
> cards to HQ, like normal. We will still heavily rely on a Card
> Checker’s expertise and knowledge to inspect the QSL cards and ensure
> that the data that has been entered and printed by the applicant is
> correct. The Card Checker will still need to carefully mark changes on
> the printout. When all is done, the Card Checker will sign-off on the
> application and mail it to HQ, as before.
> What is different is that the applicant will not have to organize
> cards by band and mode, but instead can simply enter the data from
> each card in any order they are found. The applicant must leave the
> cards in the same order as which they are entered, as obviously that
> makes it easy for the Card Checker to work through the cards and
> compare against the record sheet. If a QSL has two or more QSOs
> listed, and the applicant needs them all, he/she no longer must put
> these cards at the back of the application.
> Also new, is that there is an option for the applicant to pay for the
> application with a credit card inside /Online DXCC/. Unfortunately
> there is no easy way to have the applicant pay electronically for the
> Card Checker’s mailing expense, so you will still have to collect cash
> for mailing in the same manner as you do now.
> The /Online DXCC/ forms themselves are representations of the paper
> forms to which we are all accustomed. We tried to add value to the
> /Online DXCC/ also by adding the ability for the form to suggest (in
> some cases _/force/_) an entity name for each call sign that is
> entered onto the form. But, we still need the Card Checker to verify
> the entity name from the QSL as best possible. If there is any doubt
> or question, please mark the printout as needed to convey the message
> to HQ staff.
> As soon as we can, we will send a link to the /Online DXCC/ application.
> Please send me any questions.
> Below is the text from the Home page of /Online DXCC/:
> *Welcome to ARRL's Online DXCC Application System*
>     * Find out more about the DXCC Award Program
>     * Find out more about this Online DXCC Application System
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Submitting Your DXCC Application Online — Step by Step*
>    1. Now that you have logged in, you may go to the QSLs tab and
>       begin entering information from your QSL cards. If you logged in
>       with a username and password then all your entries are saved and
>       you may leave the QSLs tab at any time while entering QSLs, and
>       return to it later.
>          1. You must enter all of the required data for each card. If
>             you want to submit more than one QSO from a single card,
>             then enter the information about those QSOs together — one
>             right after another — on the QSLs tab.
>          2. If the initial pulldown list of DXCC entities does not
>             show the DXCC entity that you believe to be correct,
>             select the */Show All/* option. The selection list will
>             then change to a list of all valid DXCC entities.
>          3. You may enter your QSLs in any order, but keep your cards
>             in the same order as you have entered them. When you bring
>             your cards to a DXCC Card Checker (or send them to ARRL
>             HQ), you will need to place your cards in the same
>             sequence as you entered them (this will be the sequence
>             that is shown on the record sheet(s) the system will provide).
>    2. If you use a logging program, you will find it faster and more
>       accurate to prepare an ADIF file containing the QSO information
>       for the QSLs that you want to submit with your application
>       rather than manually entering the information from each card.
>       Use the Import ADIF tab to import your ADIF file.
>    3. When you have finshed entering data for the QSLs you want to
>       submit, you generate your application by clicking on the Award
>       Application tab and proceed sequentially through the
>       */Application/*, */Records/*, */Payment/*, */Preview
>       Application/* and */Preview Records/* screens. Finally, you
>       click the */Submit Application/* button on the */Preview
>       Records/* screen to complete the application process.
>          1. If you logged in using a username and password, then your
>             application is saved. You may leave and return to the
>             MyDXCC tab at any time to view and print your completed
>             application(s).
>          2. If you did not log in using a username and password (you
>             chose the anonymous login option), then you /must/ print a
>             copy of your application and record sheets _before you
>             leave the Online DXCC site_. Click on the */View
>             Application/* button on the */Application Submitted/*
>             screen to view your application and records sheets as a
>             PDF document. Print out a copy of this document, now.
>    4. Verify that your QSL cards are in the same order as shown on
>       your record sheet(s). Then:
>          1. Take a printed copy of your completed application and
>             record sheets along with your QSL cards to a DXCC Card
>             Checker. You will need to provide the DXCC Card Checker
>             with an SASE or sufficient postage to cover mailing your
>             paperwork to ARRL HQ.
>          2. If there is not a DXCC Card Checker in your area, you may
>             send your QSL cards directly to ARRL HQ and include a copy
>             of the first page of the application, (the page that says
>             /DXCC Award Application/).
>    5. Once you have submitted an application by clicking the */Submit
>       Application/* button, you cannot make further changes or add
>       QSLs to this application. You cannot start a new application in
>       the Online DXCC system until any pending application has been
>       processed by ARRL HQ.
> Bill Moore NC1L
> Awards Branch Manager
> *ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™*
> 225 Main Street
> Newington, CT 06111
> Telephone: (860) 594 0234
> Fax: (860) 594-0346
> email:bmoore at arrl.org <mailto:bmoore at arrl.org>
> DXCC Web Site: www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc <http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc>
> Blog: http://www.arrl.org/awards-blog
> Twitter: arrl_dxcc

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org --or-- kb8nw at arrl.net
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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