[Nodxa] VHF Sweepstakes This Weekend

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Jan 19 00:22:57 EST 2013

A reminder that the ARRL VHF SS is this weekend. I starts at 2 pm EST  
Saturday, and runs to 11 pm EST Sunday.  Exchange is your grid  square.
I won't be super active, as I have other things going on (a bridge  
tournament in Independence), but I will be on for at least a few hours.
VHF propagation is not at its peak at this time of year, though sporadic E  
has been known to happen. But there will be activity, so here is a great 
chance  to check out those high bands and to pass out some qsos to the 
And there is a Club Competition.
Hope to see lots of you!
73  -  Jim    K8MR

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