[Nodxa] Fwd: Northern Lights in the USA
Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW)
kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Sat Jun 8 09:45:54 EDT 2013
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Northern Lights in the USA
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 23:38:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: LEEWICAL at aol.com
From: swlist at spaceweather.com
To: swlist at spaceweather.com
Sent: 6/7/2013 7:02:24 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
Subj: Northern Lights in the USA
Space Weather News for June 7, 2013
GEOMAGNETIC STORMS: Last night, Earth passed through a region of
south-pointing magnetism in the solar wind. This triggered a
G2-class (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm. At its peak, the storm spawned
Northern Lights in the USA as far south as Kansas. More auroras are
in the offing as a CME is set to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's
magnetic field on June 8-9. Check http://spaceweather.com for photos
and updates.
SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms
are in progress? Storm alerts are available from
http://spaceweathertext.com (text) and http://spaceweatherphone.com
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Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org --or-- kb8nw at arrl.net
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)
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