[Nodxa] Ohio License Plate Renewal

John Papay john at papays.com
Wed Apr 23 13:50:23 EDT 2014

To All Holders of Ohio Amateur Radio Plates

I mentioned at the last NODXA meeting that I was required to
provide proof that I held a valid, unexpired FCC Amateur
Radio License when I renewed my Amateur Radio Plates at my
local BMV in North Royalton.  I also mentioned that I have never
been challenged before and others said they had not been asked
as well.

Now Dwaine Modock K8ME was also challenged at a different BMV
when he tried to renew his plates.  Dwiane did not have a copy
of his license with him and they would not give him his renewal
without it.

A check of the Ohio BMV website revealed this notice for those

"Renewal of plates can be done only by mail. Amateur Radio License 
Holders must provide a copy of their current unexpired and unrevoked 
official amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications 
Commission (FCC) at the time of any type renewal transaction"

Obviously the local BMV will renew a ham radio plate but the requirement
to provide your unexpired license must be on the screen.  So a word to
the wise:  Provide a copy of your license when renewing by mail or in

So can you think of a reason that the BMV is doing this?  Imagine this
scenario.  You are issued a regular sequential callsign by the FCC.  Then
you decide you want a vanity callsign and get one.  Then you get a license
plate to match that new vanity callsign.  Then you see a better vanity
callsign that you want and you apply and receive it.  Your old vanity call
is released and someone else applies and gets it.  Then they attempt to get
a license plate with that callsign on it, but it is already issued to
someone who no longer has that callsign.  Many hams are changing their
callsign these days and it can lead to problems with ham radio call letter
plates.  Of course there are those who let their callsigns expire etc which
could also be problematical.

So avoid the problem.  Send a copy of your ham license with your renewal
or have a copy available if you apply in person.

John Papay
john at papays.com

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