[Nodxa] Amateur Radio License Plate Renewal UPDATE

K8MFO--- via Nodxa nodxa at lists.contesting.com
Mon Mar 2 14:19:51 EST 2015

Dear NODXers   ..
I thought you might be interested in a  progress report on my license plate 
renewal saga, as first outlined  below.    
On 2/24/15 I was informed that my mail  application had been REJECTED, and 
mailed back to me, because I had not  submitted a valid copy of my amateur 
license  ..
In addition to some informational and  educational comments from reflector 
subscribers, there were some WISE GUYS who  wondered why I needed license 
plates on my horse and buggy ...   and  that it was common knowledge that I 
was a bootlegger, and that's why I hadn't  mailed in my license  ..    Thanks 
to all of  you!!
As of today, 3/2/15, I had seen nothing  in the mail, so I again called the 
number shown on the renewal  application.    I explained that I had not yet 
received my  paperwork back, and I was concerned.     A  lady put me on 
hold and said that my application had been sent to "another  section"   ....   
She provided the phone number, and I spoke  to yet another lady, who put me 
on hold, and then came back, telling me that my  money had been put in the 
Buckeye State coffers "yesterday" (which was  Sunday  -- boy the State 
bureaucrats work hard, even on the Sabbath)   ...      She also told me that my 
application had been  PROCESSED, and that I should receive my renewal sticker 
soon.   I had  offered to scan and email a copy of my license, but she said 
that would not be  necessary ....
Well, I surely chewed up a bunch of  bureaucratic time with the fine 
Buckeye bureaucrats, and in the end it LOOKS  LIKE nothing different had to be 
done  ..      The  workings of government surely puzzle a small town Yooper  
Of course I have to see my renewal tags  before coming to any final 
conclusions ...   DIT  DIT
Good Morning Ladies and  Gentlemen:

I've lived in Ohio since 1973,  and have had call letter  plates all this 
Surprise!    My license  renewal was rejected this year .... it is being 
sent back to me, asking that I  provide a copy of my unexpired amateur license!
I checked the instructions, and that  requirement is so stated.   Thought 
you should all  know.

I do my renewal via the old time  mail method.        The instructions also 
 state you can renew via telephone or on the web!      ....  Wonder if they 
require a scan of the license using those methods  ???
Don K8MFO   in Frozen Amish  Ohio

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