[Nodxa] Two Area Field Days Cancelled

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Thu Jun 16 20:26:13 EDT 2016

I was informed by Joe, N8QXC, that the North Coast Amateur Radio Club
(NCARC - http://www.noard.com/ncarc.htm ) has cancelled their Field
Day operation this year at Bonnie Park Picnic Area due to the passing
of Ayn Rutter, KD8YIE. See their Web page for more details.

Also, I received the following from NOARS:
   Hi everybody,

   Okay, we held our Pre-Field Day meeting at Indian Hollow.  The
meeting was rather sparsely attended.  It was decided that NOARS
cannot garner enough support to set up a Field Day station this year.

   So, NOARS has received and accepted an invitation from the “Lorain
County Wireless Operators” to come and visit and/or operate one of
their stations. They will be a category 5A. Their call sign is NW8S and
their website is http://www.nw8s.com.  If you want to get your feet wet
or if you are a seasoned operator and want to participate in a Field
Day operation, this is your chance.  If you would prefer to operate
your own station, you will be accommodated.  Bring your equipment to
include TX/RX, computer, keys, headphones, and other accessories as
needed.  Antennae for all bands will be available.  Since this is a 5A
operation, only 5 transmitters can be in operation at any one time.
Logging networking will be operational using N1MM+.  If you plan to
operate and use your own computer, be sure to download this free
logging software.  An IT person will be on site to assist with any
networking issues.

The N8WS Field Day is held indoors at 6217 Elyria Ave., in Elyria
Township. The building has a “large blue tractor rim” in front and a
“concrete tower behind it”.  It is on the East side of the Elyria

So that’s it group. If you have any questions or comments, contact:
   Jane K8JGR  jread1254 at gmail.com
   Al N8CX, n8cx at arrl.net
   Carl W8KRF w8krf at w8krf.net
   Tom W8KYZ w8kyz at outlook.com

  as always the vy vy best of 73s to all,
  Al, N8CX
  FD Chairmen


JUST A REMINDER.... 2016 ARRL Field Day will be here soon....
  Field Day is next weekend June 25th and 26th to be exact. The
  club will participate in the 2A class using two stations: SSB and
  CW. The NODXA site is the same as last year, the Mount Augustine 
Training Center located on 5232 Broadview Road in Richfield. Our Field 
Day Location is now posted on the ARRL Field Day Locator Site: 
  Field Day is a great way to introduce young people to ham radio.
  So bring your grandkids, nephews/nieces, etc. The contest starts
  at 2 PM Saturday and ends at 2 PM Sunday. The club usually
  allocated money for food and drink so there should be plenty
  to eat. Look for more details and photo during the FD wekend event. 
See you there!
  de Tedd KB8NW (NODXA President)

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:
<kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org> <kb8nw at hotmail.com> <kb8nw at arrl.net>
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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