[Nodxa] N8CX - Friendly Local Repeaters

Alan Moriarty n8cx at mindspring.com
Wed Mar 29 15:02:12 EDT 2017

Hi Tim,

If you're looking for a lot of
DX contacts listen to
the NOARS 444.800  PL 131.8
repeater. It's a
Yaesu Wires-X System but all
you need is a standard
analog FM rig. The repeater
accepts analog or digital
input but is programmed for
analog output. Thus,
anyone can use their standard
FM rig and everyone
can listen to all the
activity.  Yesterday a JA4 on
(whom I've been hearing every
day lately), was working
an M0 (U.K.) who was sitting
in his garden. There is all 
kinds of DX there and free to

Other than that, MOST ALL
repeaters are, as you say,
'dead as a tomb'.  The 146.415
repeater used to very
busy, but of late has scaled
back. Another one might be
the LEARA East Side

That's my input.

as always, the vy vy best of
73s to everyone,
Al, N8CX

-----Original Message-----
From: Nodxa
[mailto:nodxa-bounces at lists.co
ntesting.com] On Behalf Of
Timothy Holmes
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017
5:03 PM
To: nodxa at contesting.com
Subject: [Nodxa] Local


Im wondering what local
repeaters have som friendly
activity on them.  I listen
often to the club repeater,
but it is dead as the
proverbial tomb



Tim Holmes - W8TAH
Sent from my LG Stylo
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