[Nodxa] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1450

Tedd Mirgliotta kb8nw at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 2 11:29:08 EST 2020

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1450
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1450

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1450
BID: $OPDX.1450
February 3, 2020
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Send From Strongsville, Ohio

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, WB2REM, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, K5GS,
& The DX News Letter, DXNews.com, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles
DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, JA1UII, RN3RQ, RW6HS, Pete Rayer & ISWL,
Sixitalia Weekly, and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 26th/January, through Sunday, 2nd/February there were 212
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O,
4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5T, 5U, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K,
9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BS7, BV, BY, C3, C5,
C6, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, E4, E5/s, E7,
EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM,
FO, FP, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI,
HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JY, K,
KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK,
OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S0, S2,
S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T5, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT,
TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E,
VP2M, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU,
YV, Z3, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3W, VIETNAM. Wolfgang, DL5MAE, is once again active as 3W2MAE from Phan
Thiet between February 13-20th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using
CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. ADDED
NOTE: See QRZ.com about the high level noise problem Wolfgand has in

5I, TANZANIA (Reminder).The Italian DXpedition Team (IDT) will be acti-
vating Zanzibar Island (AF-032) in Tanzania between February 4-18th. The
IDT will be using two callsigns: 5I5TT for CW, SSB and RTTY; 5I4ZZ for
FT8 and FT4. Operators mentioned are Alfeo/I1HJT, Tony/I2PJA, Silvano/
I2YSB, Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA, Stefano/IK2HKT,
Paolo/IW1ARB and Mac/JA3USA. Activity will be on 160-10 meters with 4
stations on the air. Suggested frequencies are:
  CW   - 1826, 3530, 7025, 10115, 14030, 18068, 21030, 24890 and 28030 kHz
  SSB  - 3775, 7090, 14240, 18130, 21310, 24950 and 28470 kHz
  RTTY - 14084 kHz
  FT4  - 3575, 7047.5, 10140, 14080, 18104, 21140, 24919 and 28180 kHz
  FT8  - 1845, 3585, 7056, 10131, 14084, 18095, 21091, 24911 and 28091 kHz
     ** For Japanese stations only: FT8 on 160m will use the normal mode.
        Their RX frequency will be on 1908 kHz.
  The IDT is conducting a band/mode survey for their Tanzania operation
at:                        http://www.i2ysb.com/idt 
QSL via OQRS (http://win.i2ysb.com/logonline/). QSL via I2YSB direct only
or LoTW after the operation.

5Z, KENYA. Scott, WA5A, is once again active as 5Z4/WA5A from Ruaka until
late March. Activity will be holiday style on 40/20/15 meters (possibly
160/80m) using mainly SSB. QSL via his home callsign.

6Y, JAMAICA. Rob, N1TRK, will be active as N1TRK/6Y from Negril, Jamaica
(NA-097), between February 8-20th. Activity will be on 40/20/17/10 meters
using primarily FT8 with some SSB. Equipment is a Elecraft KX2 into a
W1SFR end fed or 40 meter dipole. He suggests to look for him at his
sunset. QSL via LoTW.

8A17, INDONESIA (Special Event). Look for special event station 8A17BJR
between February 19-21st. Activity is to celebrate the 17th anniversary
of the local ORARI Kota Banjar radio club. Operations will be on 80/40/2
meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. Special certificates are
available, see:  https://orarilokalkotabanjar.design.blog/download
QSL via details on QRZ.com.

9K59, KUWAIT (Special Event). Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society
will activate the special event callsign 9K59NLD throughout the month of
February. Activity is to celebrate Kuwait's 59th National Day (February
25th) and Liberation Day (February 26th). QSL via 9K2RA. For more details,
see QRZ.com.

A4, OMAN. A group of operators from Sultanate of Oman will be active as
A42K from Muscat during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) as a
Multi-2 entry. QSL via LoTW.

C2, NAURU (Reminder/Update). Operators Kay/JH3AZC, Takio/JH3QFL, Hiroyuki/
JR3GWZ, Taka/JA1PFP and Mamoru/JH3VAA will be active as C21MB (on 2m EME)
[QSL via JH3AZC], C21AA (on various HF bands, with focus on low-bands)
[QSL via JH3QFL], C21GW (on various HF bands, with focus on low-bands)
[QSL via JR3GWZ], C21PF (mainly 20m FT8) [QSL via JA1PFP] and C21VA
(various HF bands) [QSL via JH3VAA], respectively, from Nauru Island
(OC-031) between February 4-10th. Modes could be CW, SSB and FT8. Check
QRZ.com for the way to QSL (it could be direct, by the Bureau or LoTW).

C6A, BAHAMAS. Gerhard, OE3GEA, will be active as C6AGE (possibly from
Nassau) between February 20-25th. Activity will be on CW and on 40-10
meters using a TS-480SAT with 100 watts into an Outbacker and dipole.
QSL via OE3GEA, by the Bureau or direct. Logs will not be uploaded to
LoTW or ClubLog.

CARIBBEAN TOUR. Hans, PB2T, is currently active as FJ/PB2T from St. Bar-
thelemy Island until February 5th. He will then move to Saba Island and
be active as PJ6/PB2T between February 6-7th. After his PJ6 operation,
Hans will either be active as PJ7/PB2T from Sint Maarten Island (PJ7)
or possibly FS/PB2T from St. Martin Island between February 8-11th. QSLs
via LoTW. 

CORRECTION. Operators Andrey/RW7K, Andy/UB7K, Oleg/R3FA and Andrei/RK7A,
who were active as UA7K from Kerch, were not in EUROPEAN RUSSIA, states
Oleh/KD7WPJ/UR5BCP, but in the Ukrainian city in Crimea, illegally occupied
by Russia in 2014, and not recognized by U.S. and other countries.

E5, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS (Reminder). Donald, VE7DS, will be active as E51DDG
from the Kiikii Inn on Rarotonga Island (OC-013) between February 2-14th.
Activity will be on 40/30/20/17 meters daily using CW only with an Elecraft
K3 and KPA500 running 500 watts into verticals on the beach. QSL via LoTW
or by the Bureau.

H44, SOLOMON ISLANDS (Reminder/Update). Bernhard, DL2GAC, will once again
be active as H44MS from Malaita Island (OC-047), Solomon Islands, between
February 5th and April 20th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using SSB
and possibly FT8. QSL via DL2GAC, direct or via ClubLog. Possibly LoTW
in the future.

HH, HAITI. William, KO7SS, will be active as HH2AA from Radio Club D'Haïti
in Obleon during the ARRL International DX Contest (February 15-16th) as
a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power/Assisted entry. He states, "Solar power
remote operation." QSL via LoTW only.

HU1, EL SALVADOR (Reminder/Update). Operators Andreas/DH8WR, Werner/DJ9KH,
Thomas/DJ6TF, Frank/DL1KWK, Dietmar/DL2HWA, Bert/DL2RNS (Co-Lead/Treasuer),
Georg/DL4SVA, Olaf/DL7JOM, Rolf/DL7VEE (Team Leader) and Franz/DL9GFB will
be active as HU1DL from El Salvador between now and February 13th. Activity
will be on 160-10 meters (including 60m) using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (mostly
F/H). Main target is the lower bands. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (direct and
Bureau), DL4SVA direct or LoTW (see Web page for details). No eQSL. For
more details and updates, see:        https://hu1dl.mydx.de

II3, ITALY (Special Event). Members of the A.R.I. Sezione Brunico/Sektion
Bruneck will be using the special event callsign II3BIA to be active
between February 12-23rd. Activity is to celebrate the Biathlon World
Championships in Antholz/South Tyrol, Italy. Operations will be on
160/80/60/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6/2m and 70cm using CW, SSB, the Digital
modes and QO 100 Es' Hail 2 Satellites. QSL via IN3ZWF, by the Bureau,
direct, eQSL or OQRS.

IOTA NEWS..............
  AF-063.  (Reminder) Members of Low Bands Contest Club (OM7M) will be
           active as 5H4WZ from Pemba Island, Tanzania, between February
           6-18th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY
           and FT8. Suggested frequencies were listed in OPDX.1449 or at:
             They will also take part in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February
           15-16th) and the CQ WPX RTTY Contest (February 8-9th). Updated
           list of operators mentioned are Lubo/OM5ZW (Team leader),
           YL Tami/OM5MF, Jozef/OM4AZF, Steve/OM5AA, Karel/OK2WM, Les/
           SP9LJD and Neno/9A5AN. Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog
           (https://clublog.org/charts/?c=5H4WZ). QSL via OM3PA. They
           now have a Web page at: http://om7m.org/dxpeditions/pemba

  AS-206.  Take, JA8COE, will once again be active as JA8COE/0 from Sado
           Island between March 19-22nd. Activity will be on various HF
           bands using CW, SSB and FT8. The focus will be on EU and low
           power NA stations. QSL via his home callsign or ClubLog's
           OQRS. For updates, watch his Blog at: 

  NA-008.  (Zone 2) Operators Alex/VE1RUS and Pierre/VE3TKB will once
           again be active as VY0ERC from the Eureka Weather station
           between now and March 28th. This station is operated by the
           Eureka Amateur Radio Club [probably the most northerly located
           amateur radio club in the world] from Eureka, Nunavut. The
           suggested bands are 40 and 20 meters (possibly 80m), as well
           as FM satellites (from ER60, EQ79) using SSB, the Digital
           modes (FT8 and RTTY) and very slow CW. Activity will be limited
           to their spare time. QSL via M0OXO, OQRS or direct. For updates,
           see:                  https://twitter.com/vy0erc

  NA-057.  Dave, VE3VSM, will once again be active as VE3VSM/HR9 from
           Roatan Island between February 11-23rd. Activity will be on
           40/20/15 meters using mainly CW with possibly some SSB and
           RTTY, and an entry in the ARRL International DX CW Contest
           (February 15-16th). QSL via his home callsign and LoTW.

  SA-018.  Members of the Radio Club Melipulli (CE7RCM) will be active
           as XR7FPC from the Punta Corona Lighthouse (CHI-013) on Chiloe
           Island between February 15-16th. Activity will be on various
           HF bands using SSB and the Digital modes. QSL direct via CE7RCM.

  SA-101.  (Reminder/New IOTA) Operators Nando/IT9YRE and Mike/K9AJ will
           be active as CB0Z from Alejandro Selkirk Island between February
           3-5th. For DXCC purposes this will count for Juan Fernandez.
           Activity will be on 40/30/20/17/15 meters using CW, SSB and
           possibly FT8. They will have two stations using vertical an-
           tennas. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS or via IT9YRE. For more details
           and updates, see:       http://www.it9yre.it/cb0z

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <www.iota-world.org> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

ISWL CALLSIGNS (For February 2020). The following ISWL club callsigns
will be used throughout the month of February 2020:

  GX4BJC/A - Operated /A, Operated from Walton on the Naze in Essex, by
             Herbie, G6XOU (WAB Square - TM22 - England, IOTA EU-005,
             WLOTA 1841). 
  MX1SWL/A - Operated /A, Operated from Great Sutton, in Cheshire, by
             Geof, M0BAU (WAB Square - SJ37 - England, IOTA EU-005,
             WLOTA 1841).

  GX4BJC/P - Operated /P By Geof. His /P location and WAB details upon

  ALL QSLs will be handled by Dick, M5DIK - The QSL Manager and NOT the
individual operator. The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club.
All QSL info is on <www.iswl.org.uk> or <www.qrzcq.com> or <www.qrz.com>
or via <www.eQSL.cc>. NO LoTW.

JD1, OGASAWARA. Operators Take/JA1UII and Kami/JH1HHC will be active as
JD1BON and JD1BPH, respectively, from Komagari, Chichijima Island (AS-031),
between February 25th and March 5th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters
using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. QSL via their home callsigns, direct, by
the Bureau or LoTW (end of March). Sorry e-QSL is not supported.

JT, MONGOLIA. George, K8GG, and several others have been reporting that
JT5DX has been working New England and Eastern & Western Ohio before 
going QRT about JT5 Sunrise. QSNs show it starts about 2200z and then
ends about 0000z. Also watch between 0930-1300z. JT5DX has also been on
80 meters.

PJ4, BONAIRE. Michael, HB9WDF, is now active as PJ4/HB9WDF from Kralen-
dijk, Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) until February 9th. Activity will
be holiday style on 40-10 meters and the satellites using mainly FT8,
FM and SSB. His activity so far has been on 40 meters FT8. QSL via his
home callsign, by the Bureau and LoTW.

 Feb/03rd AN      Feb/06th  AN     Feb/08th  AN
 Feb/04th AN      Feb/07th  AN     Feb/09th  HN
 Feb/05th AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9       100-400

    Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation:
     * VOACAP predication Web page at:  http://www.voacap.com/hf
           and      http://www.voacap.com/prediction.html
     * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page: https://dx.qsl.net/propagation
     * A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
     * SolarHam Web page:   http://www.solarham.net
     * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
     * News and Information About The Sun-Earth Environment:
     * Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
       overseas locations are at:   http://arrl.org/propagation
     * Information and tutorials on propagation are at: http://k9la.us
     * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W: http://www.dr2w.de/dx-propagation
     * Point to point propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk/p2p.html
     * Realtime propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk
     * Also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@GiellaW4hm

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA. Andre, PP6ZZ, will once again be active as
PY0FF from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003, DIB OC-01, WLOTA 1208, WWFF
PYFF-016) between February 3-18th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters
using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. His activity will also include
the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 15-16th). QSL via W9VA or by LoTW.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF (www.qslinfo.eu) (February 2nd)
  3Z95IARU via SP3KWA      FJ/DK6AS via DK6AS        PJ2/PB2T via PB2T
  4O4T via YU1FW & (L)     GM2CWO via GM2CWO (L)     R900DM via RC1C
  5Z4/G3AB via M0URX (O/L) HB9/YU1CA/P via YU1CA     SN95IARU via SP9YGD
  7X5NZ via EA7FTR         HF2020PZK via SP9MDY      SO95IARU via SP5PPK
  8S3C via SK4AO           HU1DL via DL4SVA (O)      SP90PZK via SP0PZK
  CT8/S51TA via S51TA      IK1AIL/IT9 via IK1AIL   SV9/SV2DSJ via SV2DSJ (d/L)
  CT9/OG55W via OH2OT (O/L) KP4/AA7CH via VE7ACN & (L) YU70HFG via YU1HFG
  DA2025C via DM9TT        KP4/K6DTT via K6DTT & (L) ZS6CCY via K3IRV (d)
  EA8/OL0M via OK1CDJ      LZ6C via LZ2UW            ZW86LABRE via PY2KP
  EH5MCB via EA5BX         OZ/DL5SE/LH via DL5SE
  EM200ANT via UT7UA       PA03RXIT via PA3EFR

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (NB) No Bureau


  QSL ROUTE. Joe, NJ1Q, W1AW Station Manager, received the following
  from Harry, SWL PA3249 [edited]: "I want to let all W-stations know
  that I am QSL Manager for several stations, some of these stations,
  XP3A - OX3XR - V51MA, just want the QSL directly through me, see my
  page at:                 http://qrzcq.com/call/PA3249
    Many American stations send their QSL to the DQB (Dutch QSL Bureau),
  but all these cards are returned. It is possible to request a maximum
  of 4 QSL cards for the same price as stated on my page.
    Would you be so kind to put this on your webpage or in a DX bulletins
  and magazines... Thank you in advance
    Harry de Jong - PA3249 (SWL and QSL Manager)
    Broekdijk 59
    7695 TC Bruchterveld
    The Netherlands"

  and YV1DIG

  TO9W, TX7T (OC-027) and VK9CZ (OC-003)

  (AS-102), BO0M (AS-113), BV0L (AS-155), BV0WPX (AS-155), BV2KI/BO1
  (AS-113), BW9W (AS-155), CR3EE, HC2AO, JE1ECF/JD1, OX3MC, OY/RC5A,
  RA/KE5JA (AS-018), TA3AIK, TA3PZ, TF3WK, VK4DX/P (OC-137), VK5GR/P
  (OC-139, VK8AV, VK9PN, XP5T (NA-018) and XZ1Z
    --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
        to send in their info....

RI1, ANTARCTICA. Look for RI1ANC to be active once again from Vostok
Station (AN-016, WFF RFF-168) in the Antarctica starting February 10th.
Operator(s) were not named, but activity will be mainly in FT8 with some
CW and SSB. QSL via RN1ON, direct, by the Bureau or ClubLog's OQRS.

T45, CUBA. Look for the special callsign T45FM to be active from the
Punta Maya Lighthouse (NA-015, ILLW CU0005, ARLHS CUB032) during the
weekend of February 14-16th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using
mainly SSB and FT8. Paper QSL only via RW6HS.

TI7, COSTA RICA. Operators Mike/G3WPH, John/G4IRN and Lee/KY7M will be
active as TI7W from Guanacaste during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February
15-16th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL TI7W via W4FS. Operators will sign
TI7/G3WPH, TI7/G4IRN and TI7/KY7M outside of the contests on all bands
(possibly 60m). QSL via LoTW or operator's instructions.

TI9, COCOS ISLAND DXPEDITIONS. By the time you read this, two operations
from Cocos Island (NA-012) are expected to be on the air.
  * Operators Mark/XE1B (4A4A) and Frank/HK5OKY are expected to be active
    as TI9C until February 9th, depending on the weather. Activity will
    be on 160/80/40/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters using SSB and FT8 with two
    stations with high power. Suggested frequencies are: 
      SSB - 1850, 3790, 70065, 7165, 14195, 18140, 21295, 24940, 28475
            and 50140 kHz
      FT8 - 1840, 3573, 7074, 14074, 18100, 21074, 24915, 28074 and
            50313 kHz
      QSL via XE1B direct (5 USDs SAE), ClubLog's OQRS (10 USDs) or LoTW
    after 6 months. NO Bureau. For more details, see QRZ.com.

  * Operators Jorge/TI2JV, Dmitry/RA9USU, Mats/SM6LRR and Andrew/UA3AB
    are expected to be active as TI9A until February 12th. Activity will
    be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and possibly FT8, with three stations
    on the air. They will have two camps, eight radios and 20 antennas.
    QSL via UA3DX, ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW. Their Web page is at:

TO3, MARTINIQUE (Reminder/Update). Kan, JJ2RCJ, will be active as TO3FM
from FM5BH's Ducos QTH on Martinique (NA-107) between February 3-8th.
Activity will be on 80-10 meters (possibly 160m) focusing on FT8 (F/H).
Suggested frequencies are: 1840/1909, 3565, 7055, 10145, 14095, 18095,
21095, 24915 and 28095 kHz. QSL via JJ2RCJ, direct, ClubLog's OQRS, LoTW
or eQSL. All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL after operation.
NO Bureau please.

TO5, ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON. Operators Chris/VO1IDX (Co-Teamleader),
Jim/WB2REM (Co-Teamleader), Chris/VO1CH (TO5T-License Holder), Mike/W0VTT,
Woody/WW1WW and Steve/W4SJT will be active as TO5T from the island of Ile
Aux Marins (NA-032) between August 10-17th. Activity will be on 160-6
meters (including 60m) using CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H). Suggested frequencies
are available on QRZ.com or via their Web page at: http://www.to5t.com
QSL via WB2REM, direct, ClubLog's OQRS (direct or by the Bureau) or LoTW.

TT, CHAD (160m). Nicolas, F8FQX (ex-TJ3SN, TN5SN, 5T5SN, TY2CA), who has
been in N'Djamena since December and plans to be there for the next 3-4
years, will be on various HF bands and 6 meters signing TT8SN. This
past weekend there were reports that Nicolas was on 160 meters using FT8
and CW. Watch between 1836-1840 kHz starting as early as 1815z and as
late as 0545z. QSL via DL9USA and LoTW.

V6, MICRONESIA (Special Event). Haru, JA1XGI, will be using the special
event callsign, V6TOPG2020, from several islands in Micronesia between
June 1st and the end of September. His activity is to commemorate the
"Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Game 2020" (hence the suffix TOPG2020)
being held in Japan. Haru informs OPDX that he will activate the following
islands in Micronesia: Ponphei (June 8-16th), Chuuk (July), Yap (August)
and Kosrae (September). Activity will be on 40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters
using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. His equipment is an IC-7300 with a tiny amp
into a 5 band vertical and dual band beam. QSL via JA1XGI (direct and by
the Bureau)or ClubLog's OQRS. For more details and updates, watch:

VP2V, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS (6m Op). Dave, W9DR, will once again be
active as VP2V/W9DR from the north shore of the Island of Anegada
(NA-023) in the British Virgin Islands (FK78TR) between June 17-24th.
Activity will be on 50.115 MHz (SSB), 50.115.6 MHz (CW), FT8 and MSK144.
He will also be running a beacon on 50.115.6 when the band is not open.
Please submit confirmation request (QSL) to W9DR home address (QRZ.com).

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (Reminder/Update). Operators Pat/K0PC and
Bill/AC0W will once again be active as VP5K from Jody's, VP5JM QTH on
Providenciales Island (NA-002), during the ARRL International DX CW Contest
(February 15-16th) as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. Look for operators
to sign VP5/K0PC and VP5/AC0W outside of the contest. The operators will
be there between February 12-17th. QSL VP5/K0PC and VP5K via K0PC, Club-
Log's OQRS or LoTW. QSL VP5/AC0W via AC0W or LoTW.

  * Gene, K5GS, reported the following on January 26th: "After a stop at
    the Panama Canal for transfer to a different ship, our sea container
    arrived in Coronel, Chile, on December 25th. It was then placed on a
    coastal barge, arriving Punta Arenas on January 13th. The equipment
    is now in secure storage at a local warehouse.
      There will be a Press Release shortly before the team members leave
    home to meet the Braveheart at Punta Arenas."
      There are 8 pictures available on the VP8PJ South Orkney Island Web
    page at:             https://sorkney.com/gallery/shipment

  * Press Release #11, dated Feb. 2, 2020, South Orkneys 2020 DX-pedition
    VP8PJ (AN-008) [edited] -- We're on autopilot, next stop Punta Arenas,
    The project is on schedule --  Team members will begin arriving in
    Punta Arenas on February 9th, Braveheart is scheduled to arrive on
    February 13th, we load the ship on Feb 14th and depart on Feb 15th
    for Signy Island. Nigel Jolly will have already arrived by air to
    arrange for refueling and resupplying Braveheart. 

    Logging - Log Search -- We will use N1MM+ for logging and WSJT-X
    Version 2.1.2 for FT8.

      Assuming a stable satellite connection, QSOs will be uploaded to the
    log server in near real-time, you can monitor logging activity at:
    We do not upload by band, by mode or by operating position. 

    OQRS will be available within 10 days after we leave the island. We
    need time to validate the logs.

    QSL Manager, Tim, M0URX, will work on Busted Calls and Not in Log
    issues after the log is validated. Please use the form on Tim's OQRS
    site, do not send e-mails.

    Split Operation and Fox/Hound -- The Band Plan is posted on our website
    (Island Operations), unless otherwise announced by the operator, all
    radio operations will be split.  FT8 will use Fox / Hound mode on all
    bands except 60m, where we will use normal FT8 operation.

    VP8PJ at Groups.io -- A reflector is available at groups.io for you
    to provide input to the team. The pilots will monitor the reflector
    and summarize pertinent information by region. There's a one-time
    registration for the reflector, please review the "Sticky Notes" at
    the top of the message list. Please, no requests for log checks,
    busted calls, Not in Log, or schedules. We appreciate thoughtful and
    helpful information from your region. VP8PJ+subscribe at groups.io

    Follow the Braveheart -- Shortly before we leave Punta Arenas, we'll
    activate the Garmin inReach personal locator. You'll be able to follow
    our journey on the web during the estimated 6 days at sea to and from
    the island.  You can Follow Braveheart from our website or at:

    K6TU's Propagation as a Service -- We thank Stu, K6TU, for making
    available his K6TU Propagation as a Service tool at no cost to you.
    Accessed from our website (K6TU Propagation Tools), Stu's website is
    configured with our station and antenna specifications. The tool
    automates and greatly simplifies the process of building VOCAP pre-
    dictions customized for your location. Knowing the details of our
    station configurations, location and antenna heights, the tool will
    generate your customized propagation charts.

    WSPR Beacon -- "A QRP Labs Ultimate 3 WSPR beacon will be on board
    Braveheart running 30dBm on 40, 20 and 15m sequentially every 10
    minutes whenever the VP8PJ/MM station is not in use."

    Fundraising -- Early donors (those that donated before we sail on
    February 15th) will receive their LoTW confirmation(s) while we're
    on the island, usually within 24 hours of the contact(s). All other
    donors will receive their LoTW confirmation(s) when OQRS opens.

      With the Braveheart and freight bills paid and the equipment in
    Chile, our last remaining major expenses are shipping the equipment
    back home, generator fuel, port fees, general surcharges, fuel sur-
    charge and a few smaller but still significant expense items. It's
    not unusual for unexpected fees and other charges to materialize so
    we remain vigilant with the budget management.

      We have over 600 individual (early) donors, 73 Premier Sponsors and
    55 club / foundation sponsors. Is your club or name/callsign listed
    on our website? All donations are appreciated and will help offset the
    project's estimated cost of ~$310,000(USDs). 

      We want to thank everyone that helped us along the way to plan this
    project, especially members of the 2011 VP8ORK DX-pedition, Ralph/K0IR
    and Don/N1DG who provided invaluable assistance and information. Their
    guidance through the landing permit process and island logistics is
    greatly appreciated. 

    Thanks for your continued interest and support of our project.
    Good luck in the pileups.... 73, Team VP8PJ
       Website: https://sorkney.com/
       Please direct your questions to: info at sorkney.com

W8S SWAINS ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS (Update). On January 30th, the W8S
team announced the pilot stations for their March 10-25th operation:
  Dick, PA3FQA -- Low bands (160/80m) world-wide
  Jan, DL7JAN  -- Europe, Asia and Africa
  Don, N1DG    -- North America
  Siso, HK3W   -- South America
  John, G3WGV  -- United Kingdom

  More info on procedures and communication will follow shortly on the
  Swains2020 Web site at:      https://swains2020.lldxt.eu/home

YB, INDONESIA. Yohanes, YB2DX, will be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest
(February 15-16th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW
or direct only.

ZC4, UK SOVEREIGN BASE AREAS ON CYPRUS. Rob, G4WXJ, will once again be
active as ZC4RH (and possibly as 5B/G4WXJ from Cyrus) between February
5-13th. Activity will be holiday style on CW, SSB, FT8 and hopefully the
QO-100 satellite (using 2 watts into a small yagi antenna). QSL via G4WXJ,
direct or by the Bureau.

ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS. Operators John/K6AM, Levi/K6JO and Tim/N6WIN will be
active as ZF1A on Grand Cayman Islands (NA-016) during the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 7-8th) as a Multi-Single entry. Look for activity outside
of the contest on 160-10 meters including 30/17/12 meters. QSL via K6AM,
direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.

ZL, NEW ZEALAND. Operators Mark/ZL3AB, Geoff/ZL3GA and Phil/ZL3PAH will
use the "Quake Contesters" callsign ZL3X during the ARRL DX CW Contest
(February 15-16th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LoTW, ClubLog or direct
to ZL3PAH. No Bureau.

TO BE ADDED TO THE OPDX MAILING LIST -- Click or send requests to:
   Subscribe:   (mailto:kb8nw at hotmail.com?subject=subscribe)
   Unsubscribe: (mailto:kb8nw at hotmail.com?subject=unsubscribe)

  Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [http://www.papays.com/opdx.html],
QRZ.com (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.), several
DX Mailing Lists, and two different UseNet Groups (rec.radio.info and
rec.radio.amateur.dx). The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web
page URL) is also posted on the following Media pages:
 NODXA FaceBook -- https://www.facebook.com/NorthernOhioDxAssociation
 Twitter -- https://twitter.com/kb8nw_opdx

* All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
  long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
             (kb8nw at arrl.net) or (kb8nw at hotmail.com)
   Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
                           1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)
....... 73 de Tedd KB8NW


Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:
<kb8nw at hotmail.com> or <kb8nw at arrl.net>
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG) 

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