[Orion] Re: [TenTec] Orion - LCW vs. UCW

Charles W. Shaw chas.shaw at verizon.net
Tue Dec 2 18:01:54 EST 2003

	Earlier I said regarding use of CT in the CQWW CW:
 >band AND frequency changes made by inputting the new frequency in the 
call-sign area also >cause the Orion to change to the CW mode (UCW/LCW) 
according to the
 >conventions used for upper/lower SSB for that band.

	And Grant, NQ5T replied:	
 >The Orion does not automatically change between LCW/UCW based on
 >any band convention.  It is what you set.
 >I don't use CT, but it must be the control sequences sent by that program
 >which are doing that to you, and that's where the change needs to be

	This has now been taken care of (and works as I had expected it to).  Ken, 
K1EA, has a new version of CT available (.002).  Thanks again, Ken!

Charles - N5UL 

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