[Orion] Vendor wives?

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.Net
Sun Dec 14 09:13:27 EST 2003

Bob Henderson seems to have something worth saying and reading here and I

Me.... having been licensed since 1958 and being a person with a career in
advanced areas of electronics, I rarely if ever have seen, or used a piece
of electronic equipment that I would describe as perfect.  Perfect as a term
in my mind as what I expect the item to be or do or perform.  In every case,
be it hobby type equipment, or professional equipment, there are areas in
which one could expect something different so as to "make it better in my
way of thinking or usage".  Is that why Baskin Robins provides 31 flavors of
ice cream?  Our radios are no different except they have been found to be
just a wee bit more expensive than a Baskin Robins ice cream cone.

As to published specifications, these are simply the manufacturers way of
stating certain basic guaranteed facts regarding the equipment; be it size,
weight, features and technical performance under certain controlled
conditions.  (Emphasis on "controlled" here.)  As the automobile companies
say "your gas mileage may vary". The specifications give the user a means of
loosely comparing one model to another, features to features and etc.  Why
do I say "loosely"?  Each company  strives to have their product "appear
best" at least on paper specifications.  Unless there are very strictly
controlled standards for measurement, agreed upon by all putting a radio
into the ring for measurement, results are and can be slanted, yet although
accurate, to make their radio appear better.  As we get to the nit picking
stage of numbers, I recently read on the Electrocraft site that numbers
within the 1 or 2 dB range are considered too close to discern a difference
in actual performance.

The independent reviews, such as those by ARRL, should always be viewed
simply as "another persons fact finding conclusion" based on evaluation
typically performed at a level much higher in standards than the average
user can provide.  In another way of stating it, as Bob said, it is a means
to help the undecided "get off of the fence" with a decision as to whether
they would purchase or not purchase a product.  Favorable reviews are always
a welcome item by any manufacturer.

I too, as Bob stated, have and have had a desk full of radios of various
brands and models.  What I like and what you like are both great radios.
Bad radios and companies producing bad products are typical observed to be
"no longer around".  To wit, same true with automobiles and the like. Anyone
bought a new Edsel lately yet the old version but renewed Thunderbird
abounds today.

Just one old hams views.

73 & Happy Holidays to all
Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Henderson" <bob at cytanet.com.cy>
To: <orion at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 2:59 AM
Subject: [Orion] Vendor wives?

> >> It seems to me that there is an awful lot written here that is
> >> tainted by "vendor's wife" perspective!  You know what I
> >> mean....."nobody but the wife can be publicly critical of the husband".
> >>
> >> As a satisfied owner and user of rigs from Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood,
> >> Ten-Tec and Yaesu (listed alphabetically for those who might discern
> >> a slight against the vendor to whom they are currently married), I
> >> think I have established myself as a happy polygamist. (Only so far
> >> as radio equipment is concerned, I should add!)
> >>
> >> Have some of you lost sight of objective principle in your writings?
> >> I think so.  There is no such thing as the PERFECT radio.  Not in
> >> this life anyway.  Neither is there any such thing as the BEST
> >> radio.  Though there may well be such a thing as the BEST radio for
> >>
> >> I can only smile when I read bold statements along the lines of "the
> >> only comparison is between radio X & Y and all others are meaningless".
> >>
> >> The fact is that the comparisons important to you and your
> >> environment are the ones that matter...........to YOU.  Manufacturer
> >> specifications, solid technical evaluations (such as those performed
> >> by ARRL) and user reviews, are all valuable in helping the undecided
> >> cross the bridge to a decision on just which radio may be the best
> >> for HIM.
> >>
> >> Bob, 5B4AGN, P3F
> >>
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