[Orion] RX Ant Selection

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Sun Dec 21 14:15:10 EST 2003

A typo correction is needed to my prior post,  same
topic,  first line of the second paragraph following my
table of "button" selections should read:

> However,  if you push the Main RX/TX selection to ANT 2,
> the RX ANT only light extinguishes,....."

Without the suggested firmware change,  when you push
ANT 2,  both the Main TX moves to ANT 2, Main RX stays
on the RX ANT,  but you did this to go to RX on ANT 2
for the Main rcvr.........  Of course, you must also move
the Sub rcvr from ANT 2 to the RX ANT to maintain  the
two Beverages to separate rcvrs.

Appears only the set up I first listed will work as Barry
wants unless the suggested, or something similar were
done to the firmware programming.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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