[Orion] CW monitor

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Thu Apr 22 14:43:10 EDT 2004

Here's one I noticed last night regarding the CW monitor that I haven't
heard discussed.  I was straining to pull YA8G out of the noise on 20m CW
with the Main RX listening to him and the SubRX (and TX) on the pileup on
VFOB.  So, I have the main in my left ear and the Sub in my right ear. 
Where should the CW monitor be?  It should be heard where the TX
frequency is - i.e., in my right ear so I'm hearing it against the
pileup.  Where was it?  In my left ear on the Main RX making it very
difficult to hear when the DX station started calling someone.  So, my
question:  Is the CW monitor steerable?  I don't see any selection for
that, and, if not, has anyone requested this option yet?  (I'm going to
send a note on it since this is counterintuitive and not useful if it
can't be changed.)  To my way of thinking, the CW monitor should follow
where you have the TX set.

        73,  Duane

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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