[Orion] Future Orion Firmware Update Possibiliites

James C. Garland 4cx250b at muohio.edu
Fri Dec 3 12:10:54 EST 2004

<For me, I can see only one last thing to cure in the next update (and it  is
<not very important at all - we can live without it !), the sweep  display
<freezing when a DSP function is engaged on the SUB  receiver!
<John / N0KHQ

Hi John and the group,
I respectfully disagree that there is little to be improved upon in the 
Orion firmware. I think the ergonomics of some of the menus could still be 
significantly enhanced,  as well as more effective use of press-and-hold 
menu access on some of the buttons.

The volume controls still need to be configured so they have an audio 
(logarithmic) taper, instead of a linear taper. The linear taper is very 
disconcerting to users, since it means that too much rotation is required 
at low volume levels to make a change in volume.

The subreceiver still has a serious problem in the AM mode, whereby it 
tunes in 5kHz steps (approximately), even though the step size and display 
indicates otherwise. This bug means the Orion subreceiver cannot be used 
effectively for tuning international broadcast stations, or for hamband AM 
use. I know Ten-Tec is aware of this bug, but apparently hasn't been able 
to fix it.

The Orion is definitely getting better with each firmware revision, but I 
don't think it's a finished product by any stretch.


Jim Garland W8ZR

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