[Orion] Orion raspy on CW?

Charlie, W0YG w0yg at myawai.com
Mon Feb 9 14:10:59 EST 2004

I have a neighbor, well I say neighbor but he must be 15 miles away, that
complains about my raspy note on CW with my Orion.  I don't hear it when
listening to the monitor nor does another neighbor, just a mile away,
complain.  However this morning, this same neighbor indicated that a station
that frequently CQs on top band also must have an Orion because the note is
quite raspy.

Has anyone ever gotten these kinds of reports?  I find it strange that a
Icom 756 user, not the PRO or PRO II, would complain about the raspiness of
the Orion.  What could be going on?

For information, the Icom 756 is old technology employing crystal filters in
the various IFs.  It is not a DSP radio so a mis-setting of the DSP which
could cause all kinds of distortions as per recent threads on the Icom
756PRO II yahoo reflector, is not an issue.

Any comments?


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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