[Orion] Fw: truth Ha

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Fri Jan 28 09:23:10 EST 2005

 > I paid almost $4000 for a radio that is still a "work in progress"

         So what's your beef Skip?  Would you rather buy a new
hardware version every couple of years?  My Orion is now
18 months old and just as current as new ones being shipped
(actually even more current since I'm a beta tester).

         I'll be concerned when my Orion is NOT a "work in
progress", since that will mean no more firmware updates
are being done.  What's even better, is that I can influence
the changes myself.  Have you tried that with one of the big
three.  Have you ever gotten a personal response from the
CEO of those companies?  After >16 years of producing radios
with CW clicks, Yaesu has FINALLY fixed their production
units.  By contrast, Ten-Tec addressed some problems with
Orion's keying in a few months.

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S. I suppose you never update any of your "perfect" computer
software either.  :-)

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